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  • If you requested a set of patterns? o3o No.. Nononono.. Despite even though i would love to get moneys i would have NO IDEA how to make that work xP So no. No paymentO.o.... AREYOUINSANE? No money needed! o.o!

    And... Yah.. It'll be patterns then >.< Did you check my gallery? Ehm.. Youll have to answer what type (aproximately) you would want though ^^ And please credit me somewhere for em when you geet em ><!
    yeah suspense is awesome, but hard to write... I have a hard time surprising myself. Also I'd love to write mysteries but that also presents a challenge since I can never think of anythng suitably mysterious. ever plan to get published?
    my writing is just odd. Mostly I like the challenge of picking two characters, like Ron and the Giant Squid, and thinking about how they would possibly get together in a semi-believable way. uh... that's just an example, I've never actually written that >.>
    sorry about your clients, better enjoy that wine while you can! so the pool is part of your workout? I didn't realize sitting by the side and watching the hot nurses play around counted as exercise... maybe for your arms when you get back to your own place. mwaahahahaha! eh... sorry
    okay... Gunnar >:3 that is a cool name. lol I forgot that you know my last name too.
    I do want to buy a copy now but I have absolutely no space on my walls and also I'm still in the college-era decoration phase, so lots of band posters and random weird stuff... even though I love looking at art too.
    actually scratch that, it's too hot... I'll just have a beer or jump in the pool.
    Thanks G----- wait, can I use your name here? >.>
    yummyyyy food :3 I want to drink hot cocoa out of a bowl
    "You may call me Monkey or Infinite" ... So i have got an idea, i think i'll gonna call you InfiniteMonkey cause it sounds well ^^
    oh, that's too bad. People are so rude sometimes!
    gah, one summer afternoon at Marseilles... just hearing that I am jealous. what is the title of this photo? I've seen it before but I never knew what it was called.
    yeah! funny I remember so little french, but that word will stay with me for a while.
    I love that photo :) he looks so rakish and she looks so prim
    lol of course it is! You have the monopoly on kissing around here!
    b is for baiser and baiser is for baise moi! yesss... both ways >:3
    That's true. Maybe you should post in others too lol
    I see what you mean, like those two are your regulars hahah

    Oh definitely man, I'll probably be on chat later on tonight, and we'll keep in touch on FB fo'shizzle. Peace brotha!! :D
    No I never knew that, very cool though :) what did you write about? I actually used to like to write a lot, mostly thinking up different conclusions for things that I felt had ended unsatisfactorily *coughharrypottercough* or else chronicling the trials of growing up as a white upper-middle class teenager (now that I look back this was not such a deserving topic) My friends and I also like to write bad fanfiction parodies and ridiculous crossovers.

    it seems pimp was reading our conversation

    Me and me mates. Never got off however but we are still doing it.
    lol i know you are not going to let this pass. Even i did a double take!
    I know how you feel about other dudes, but you shouldn't let them tease you anymore, just get down to business and show them who's top dog. seems like pimp is willing to provide assistance as well.

    I will... front, back, sideways, upside down, in space Usually I am averse to being seen as domestic, but that is a good way to get me in the kitchen, and even tasting meat for once! is that a private park? Or will kids walking by be traumatized? I really do like the outdoors though like the beach, hiking and camping in the forest, it's so stimulating and great exercise. Of course I can be gentle but when you provoke me so much I react and bite back >:3
    oh my...I wasn't expecting to elicit such an enthusiastic response, but I like it! It's so sad when people approach things like this with no energy, no imagination at all, good thing that when we are put together there is an explosion of excitement and creativity that burns for days until the spark dies back down to a glowing ember... until we stoke it again, that is.
    glad you approve XD riding has always been one of my favorite activities, horses when I was younger, bikes and other things now.
    your mou-...? omg lol! It must be tall, I see something white at the very top.
    :love: you claim you're romantic but I think I understand now, how you actually know the way to a woman's heart... or I suppose it's all one and the same. of course I appreciate a man who uses his hands, along with his mouth and his... uh... head, of course. But I won't just lie back and do nothing, you know. As a linguist, I straddle a wonderful area, the conjunction of sciences and humanities, so I have to keep on top of it all if I want to reach the pinnacle of this area of study.
    wait... nauseating? @_@
    hmm, as a student I felt constantly under pressure, some from school but more from my self. Though in a way it was rather relieving XD
    lmao infinite I knew you had a thing for hot nurses and kissing and being naked but I guess I didn't realize the extent of your... umm... appreciation for such things!
    since you have linguistic experience, you can help me with a practical experiment, we need to examine the placement and position of the tongue during various strenuous activities... this is all very scientific, I'll have you know >.> oh and if I'm too boisterous you can just hold me in place, or perhaps it would be easier to tie me down XD LOL!
    LOL! Yes definatly is the sun is nice and hot making the beach water nice and refreshing!
    =.= monk no surfing??? LOL nvm I can image other thing entertaining you.
    ^^ You can't keep me from the heat but I keep myslef Ice cool XD.
    LOL your just watching out for me. ;P
    lol a trip sounds lovely! to the beach, then? I haven't been in a couple weeks and I already miss it so much. I would wear a bikini but then you would laugh at me as I attempt to surf, fall off the board, then the bikini falls off me >_<''
    oh no need for you to do all the work, you work so much already. Let me do some of the... um.. manual labor, I can handle the linguistic matters as well XD
    To be specific, you only ever go on the I confess and Shout Thread, right?
    You caught up to my number of posts quite a while ago. I used to own those two... D:
    I guess I paid for my inactivitiy there lol

    OMG that's even worse, damn...
    I know what you mean. But here it's worse cos there's no AC. You should visit Korea man, everywhere has AC, I remember I used to go into a bank whenever i was hot lol

    You off now? In that case sure thing, reply back whenever you want. Catch ya later man
    Hell yeah it's awesome. I'm on it right now, and I can't believe how good it is!! :grin:

    Damn, that sounds painful... Hope you survive bro
    It's quite hot here too, went over 30 the other day (being Britain, it is quite a rarity to surpass 30 degrees lol)

    Yeah you're right. Went on a church trip on Monday to Wednesday, then we got all the new stuff in like Friday, so I have been slightly busy this week
    And the forums aren't that appealing to me any more. How shall I say... They've lost their... Charm.
    Like, I've stopped going to the MF ones, and here I only ever go on the spam D:
    Hey dude it sure is good to hear from you :)
    I see, sucks to work on a Sunday man D:
    Well as for me, shit's been pretty hectic. We've had a massive makeover at our house, just went to IKEA and spent k's on furniture and stuff
    Also... We got ourselves a mac!!! YAY!
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