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  • Awwww dont be mad I've missed talking to my monk too.
    Well, everywhere! XD kidding Nah, It's summer monkeee! I've been out at the beach, fair, and other boring stuff.
    BAWHAHAHAHAHA! Good, Good. Then you can bring the goods to bed ;) lol
    lol! *kisses Monkey* Iz not married here~
    Wait. HOW am I silly???
    Oh I will. I will.
    :P I admit it! I am a silly...well..not a goose but still silly :P
    You where missed on my end also. =)
    And aye you need to catch up <3
    LOL ok... that all sounds so inelegant though.... primal. I really prefer if one person is in control .___________.
    yeah, the voice and his demeanor and not knowing what was under the helmet. I usually like the 'evil' characters better, they are more intriguing. but... I don't know how to interpret that cheetah face.
    anyway, got any plans for July 4?
    Thanks for accpeting my FR!
    ..Then I'll call you monkey..:)
    You can call me sen-chan/ann...

    In the Philippines particularly..can you speak tagalog?
    Awwww Monkey.*glomps* maybe :p
    AHAHAHAHAHA!Coming back hmmm I dont think so!
    How have you been sweets? Still working that hot bod of yours XD?
    OMG LOL! good thing you can't see my face right now >///< heh anyway, one good bang, coming right up![SPOILER][IMG] all you had to do was ask... and I'll be careful not to get caught in the explosion >.>[/SPOILER]

    no need to censor yourself, I can take it all without complaining. :D Maybe I am both, and yes, our conversations seem to extend for long periods of time since you have such penetrating insights o.O

    haha that's right, and I bet Anakin's mom was just lying about there not being a father.. it was really you! Actually tbh Darth Vader from the original movie was the first film crush I remember having. He scared me but I liked him all the same.
    LOL! just kidding? hmm, I would have thought someone business minded like you would follow through and get down to business! or were you talking about how you wanted to bang down someone's door and give them a hug?
    yeah the site seems really laggy today for some reason.
    I know you seem like such a happy person, I like that :) just don't be like this little guy, [SPOILER][IMG] the one on the right is a bit too happy[/SPOILER] usually I'm pretty happy too but just reserved. yep I feel bad for such people, it's not a balanced life at all.
    no clone army for you, then. It's probably for the best since you never know, they could eventually be used to fight for some evil empire in a galactic space war.
    I don't remember getting any cookies...
    .____. and now I won't take it since you just told me what you would do with it...

    oh, I didn't realize you had your own firm that's so cool. :) you must have the entrepreneurial spirit. have you been running it for a long time?
    noooo I don't know of anyone in Atlanta, except you. Maybe you should just clone yourself and hire that guy, you could have an army of infinite monkeys!

    hmmm... you deleted a message below, how mysterious o_O
    yep, it's so fun :D I haven't seen a lot of tng but my friend and I started watching really bad eps of the original series just for fun and then ended up getting really into it.
    uhh... I haven't sent out any resumes at all, I don't plan to get a job until after september. And even then it will be short lived because I will be sending in applications for more school. but really I'm enjoying the break since I have time and energy to do everything I want to. what about you, how are your businessy things going? you seem so busy all the time but luckily you still make it to the forums :)
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