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  • R
    hehehe. Kru said there were other ppl I know here. Hello Monkey dear~ We haven't talked in a long time either :(
    ooh, have to complete the masterpiece, huh? My best friend from high school got some tattoos too but one didn't turn out exactly right and that scared me away from ever getting any. Plus I can't convince myself that I would never regret what I got. I always assumed you were constantly naked, now I realize that in front of your mom has to be one exception! heh there are probably worse things you can do to rebel though plus you're (legally) an adult.
    LOL indeed. My sister and I tear it up sometimes with a bottle and X-files DVDs. ah, the joys of family!
    yess... my ass is pretty cool (? possibly, it's hard to be objective here) I think I had opened a bottle of wine to use for a recipe and then it just kinda dwindled down as the night wore on. That, along with some herbs and spices :D eh I think I need to do all that every so often just to remind myself how awful I feel the next day.
    omg I don't follow wrestling at all but the Rock is so funny! his muscles kinda scare me though.. wait, I thought you were done with tattoos?
    ooh it's back! that design is so cool :)
    sooo how's it going? the last time I conversed with you I think I was half conscious >.> sorry about that.
    Do a giant dollar bill with the infinite symbol where the dollar amount should be and a Monkey in a hat pointing like we want you! where the president would go!
    lol yeah, You should have some little monkeys in the design. Perhaps some vines and maybe a coat of arms.
    Nooooooooooothat has to many Is it feels like its looking at me!:confused2: Im going to start a revolution from here on out everyone shall call you Money!
    wah you change your avatar so quickly! I didn't even get a chance to say I liked the one of that tattoo on the guy's arm.
    Thanks for your comment on my picture XD I was holding honey because someone once asked 'Where the honeys at?' and I was trying to helpfully answer that question.
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