Mafia AG: The Villagers DT [GG]

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Bored Emmie is bored
Lately he's been doing nothing to help the Mafia side. He's only posting here whenever someone else calls him, and even so most of his posts are of the "hurr durr I dunno what's happening" sort. That's characteristic of the type of assassin who lurks a lot, and with such few people left, the chances of him being an assassin are high.
Even though you questioned my reason behind voting Blue, I'm not going to ignore the fact that you are making some points here. Which is why I'll vote Biomega.
Right now I'm seeing a few suspicious people, who very very likely are assassins:

1) Aidan
2) Biomega
3) Ray
4) Lily or moi, because I'm convinced that Crestham had the sense of non-gender discrimination to have an all-male villager team.


Twilight Sparkle said:
It's been a while since the Mafia had lynched someone, and they were getting restless. They wanted someone to kill, someone to die, they pointed fingers, all of them, to one person, but when day came, that person was missing. Gone. Again. The Mafioso facepalmed and wondered if he had to report this to the superior again. Hopefully he didn't need to. The superior was already pissed off as he is.

The villagers sneaked up behind a single mafioso and bashed her over the head, instantly sending her into concussion and beyond. They left her body for the rest of the Mafia to discover. The Mafia may have avoided certain destruction for today, but the Villagers swore upon their hearts that they would destroy the Mafia from within.
Short Version

1. Biomega is Missing!

2. Lily, the Mafioso, has been killed.


Emmie was here
So Biomega was innocent after all? Well, now I'm curious if he was on to anything when he kept voting Geoff. Maybe he was the second Cop Hadriel talked about and he knew Geoff was bad?
So Biomega was innocent after all? Well, now I'm curious if he was on to anything when he kept voting Geoff. Maybe he was the second Cop Hadriel talked about and he knew Geoff was bad?
No, Biomega wasn't innocent. He went missing. There's no way to ascertain who he was.
Look where Viva's logic got him: Janitor'd.

Come on. We have 11 players left. Chances are high that Biomega was an assassin, and I'm almost completely convinced that Aidan is one too. Just follow me. I swear, it'll work.


Emmie was here
Look where Viva's logic got him: Janitor'd.

Come on. We have 11 players left. Chances are high that Biomega was an assassin, and I'm almost completely convinced that Aidan is one too. Just follow me. I swear, it'll work.
Yeah, he got Janitored, but that doesn't think his logic was wrong. Also, I know nothing about Aidan, but Biomega just plays creepily regardless, I don't think that means he's an assassin. A mortician would come in handy right about now, but at the moment, I want to see if he was on to something.


Emmie was here
I could say the same thing to you. I doubt the villagers would try so hard to get 1 person killed publicly, especially when there are easier ways to do it.
No, that wasn't a clever Mafia move on Biomega's part. It was a result of not knowing what the heck is going on even after all this while.

And besides, a stalker who just votes the same person each day without even giving any explanation is plain stupid.


Emmie was here
No, that wasn't a clever Mafia move on Biomega's part. It was a result of not knowing what the heck is going on even after all this while.

And besides, a stalker who just votes the same person each day without even giving any explanation is plain stupid.
Doing things in a non-PM game is a bit difficult. To be honest, I have no idea what i would do with an investigation role is this kinda of game, especially when the doctor could be inactive or already dead.


Colonel H Stinkmeaner
Firstly, I must again apologise for my inactivity, it would seem that a lot has happened while I was gone (went on a family holiday if you must know) but I've read everything and I'm not behind all the action or anything.

As for my vote, I'm going to vote for moi, since I was always suspicious of her and her random votes, as well as her newb-ish comments (which may be truthful, but this is my first AG and I had no problems. In other words, I think she is pretending to be confused and lost when she has been a part of the action behind the scenes all this time)
Umm... our reasons for going inactive are quite similar, Inzy :wacko:

I'm placing my suspicions on moi and Aidan. Aidan seems like a good choice.


Bored Emmie is bored
Look where Viva's logic got him: Janitor'd.

Come on. We have 11 players left. Chances are high that Biomega was an assassin, and I'm almost completely convinced that Aidan is one too. Just follow me. I swear, it'll work.
I find it hilarious that you continue to go after me after my vote on Blue. No offense dude but my voting on Blue made absolutely more sense than why you voted Biomega. Hands down. And oh look everybody, we have no idea now if Hadriel was right or wrong. How convenient for him that miraculously happened on the day he decided to lead a witch hunt. Cause now we don't even know if he was right.


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To all the people who think I'm bad, or something: Only one way to find out for truth.

Lynch me, I'll be laughing from the grave. ;]
And this AG is completely getting me depressed, Every day I check to see if I've died yet, but no luck. Blade wasn't the assassin, and blue was the mortician and I didn't try harder to stop her from dying when I was almost dead sure she was correct. Fail, and fail again.

That and I was really busy hosting TB, but that nightmare's over now. =D

Aidan, I accuse you of being the assassin, and killing Mr. Body with the lead pipe in the kitchen!

No burst of thinking, but I do know you attack low-priority targets when you have something to hide. Likely that's how the first few days went, then you guys decided to go and kill Viva since he was going for Noex and Moi.

I'll throw my lot with Moi today, avenge Mr. Viva, but after this day is over, I'm getting the noose on you and seeing what's inside the pinata. Tasty candy ~
oh dear... drawing suspicion again. Well, once again I claim innocence, sadly I'm no longer new to AG's so I can't play that anymore D: sooooo my "newb-ish" comments were just silliness.
placa, I really don't see what's suspicious about Aidan (I kind of feel like everyone and no one is suspicious @_@) but I suppose better him than me for now? >.>''


Bored Emmie is bored
To all the people who think I'm bad, or something: Only one way to find out for truth.

Lynch me, I'll be laughing from the grave. ;]
And this AG is completely getting me depressed, Every day I check to see if I've died yet, but no luck. Blade wasn't the assassin, and blue was the mortician and I didn't try harder to stop her from dying when I was almost dead sure she was correct. Fail, and fail again.

That and I was really busy hosting TB, but that nightmare's over now. =D

Aidan, I accuse you of being the assassin, and killing Mr. Body with the lead pipe in the kitchen!

No burst of thinking, but I do know you attack low-priority targets when you have something to hide. Likely that's how the first few days went, then you guys decided to go and kill Viva since he was going for Noex and Moi.

I'll throw my lot with Moi today, avenge Mr. Viva, but after this day is over, I'm getting the noose on you and seeing what's inside the pinata. Tasty candy ~
Thing is Geoff, this is only my 2nd time playing an AG here. I don't have a clue who some of the players are here so I wouldn't know who these "low-priority" targets are even if I tried to employ that tactic. It worked for me in Tokyo Blitz AG because I knew exactly who the "low-priority targets" were as you aptly labeled.

If anything the one thing that looks suspicious on me is the death of Ellure. And to be honest, I'm surprised it was only Viva who pointed out the oddness behind her death. Am I a villager and did I pick her to die? I think you know me enough to know I wouldn't kill someone who would lead a trail right back to me.
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