Immortal Regis Nexus

Zero Phoenix

The Second Coming of Hazama
why did you pick the name zero phoenix?
That takes me back.

Zero is infinite, it is eternal, it is all things and at the same-time it is nothing. All numbers come from zero just as everything comes from nothingness, you see. Because zero is both everything and nothing, it is limitless. It can be anything because at its core it exists as nothing. When I see the number zero I think of the infinite potential that lay in all human beings. As you know a phoenix is a mythological bird that dies each year and is reborn from its own ashes. It gives birth unto itself. I also think of a phoenix as something that is determined. Something that will always overcome adversity no matter how many times it fails, no matter how many times it dies. ZERO PHOENIX is Infinite Determination and is it this philosophy under the means by which I created this name for myself. ZERO PHOENIX as a symbol is that which all mankind should aspire to. I know certain members (Xiga) don't understand philosophy very well but ZERO PHOENIX is the Ubermensch. That is not to say what I am but what ZERO PHOENIX is.

Side Note: I was pretty pissed off when I learned Zoids or whatever used my damn name for one of their mechs.

Zero Phoenix

The Second Coming of Hazama
how can zero be considered nothing and everything how can it be both?
It's simple. What was the universe before God set His work into motion? Or the big bang if you believe in that? In essence, in the beginning there was "nothing" i.e., there was "zero." Again, whether you believe it was the Father or an explosion, everything that came into being, came into being from nothingness.

In the same manner that human beings come into this world having achieved nothing (beginning at zero) they can live their lives and do great things (x = anything).

Zero is nothing but gives birth to everything. Thus it is everything.

Zero Phoenix

The Second Coming of Hazama
;>.>; What made you want to team up with the Man they call Pimp and create the Biggest icon in Forum history The Nexus?
I was only getting to know Pimp at the time. I didn't know much about you but you seemed to be fairly popular as I recall. I don't usually do anything with anyone because I'm a loner. However I wanted to do something for the benefit of Mangafox and you shared that sentiment. Many members of Mangafox shared that sentiment as well. The Nexus had about 100+ members in only about three weeks and that's when the mods got scared. Of course the rest as they say is history.

Zero Phoenix

The Second Coming of Hazama
ah ok but dont people just use it as a go between with the negatives and the positives?
That's the mathematical i.e., physical approach. I'm adopting the philosophical and metaphysical approach.

and what of people born rich or into royalty?
You'll have to be a bit more specific in what you're trying to ask. Are you asking if those people have "infinite potential?"

Zero Phoenix

The Second Coming of Hazama


I'm kidding Pimp. In all seriousness it's a bit sad. The Hardy Boyz tried to establish themselves as role models for children and they seduced thousands of kids with their Live For The Moment bullshit. A lot of good that's doing for them. I just hope this forces people to look at a real role model.


Zero Phoenix

The Second Coming of Hazama
I see like in the tarot cards?
No, no hell no. I don't dabble in any occult nonsense. Let me reiterate, ZERO PHOENIX does not dabble in any occult bullshit. ZERO PHOENIX = Infinite Determination which is a potential that lives within everyone. It's up to them if they live up to that potential.

I'm asking if those people arent already born into potential instead of nothing?
I believe you're confusing human potential with social classes.

Hot damn that makes want to wear that set again
I know right.


Active Member
I suppose this is your limit. :sigh:I'll answer this last diatribe and then entertain you no longer because well, you just don't seem to get what I'm saying.

Thats where you are faulty. You suppose and assume to much. And I have another question for you. You say I don't understand, yet I can't see any atempts from you to make your language easier for me to actually understand. For example: What the hell does Diatribe mean?

Doesn't concern me. If you hate kids that means something is wrong with your spirit.
It does concern you, because it is the exact same thing for me to dislike/hate kids and for you to dislike/hate intelectually challanged people (Like you called me?). That is equally as wrong and your spirit must be broken aswell. I am just sayng.

It was fair to call you loveless. If you hate children there is no love in your heart. It was not fair to call you a maggot. That I will concede to.
No it wasn't fair to call me loveless. If YOU hate Intelectually disturbed people theres no love in your heart either. Therefore, you claim to want to educate people, but if you hate us "Less inteligent" You wont ever be able to. Just sayin.

Read my answer to Hadriel's question. :smart:

I care nought of being politically correct or a persons feelings. I go right to the truth of any matter and I say what needs to be said. If you exhibit monstrous behavior and I call you a monster, I'm not doing so to be cruel I'm calling you what you are. You hate children and somehow you expect me to think of you as a loving person. You're not. I've dumbed down my language "considerably" just for you, just to respond to your questions and you cannot even comprehend the simplest things I say. You exhibit the behavior of a fool yet I am a villain for calling you such. You use words like Free, Love, and so forth despite being completely ignorant as to what those words truly mean. I'll call you ignorant right this moment. Why? Because that is what you have shown. Scientists label species all the time based on characteristics such as behavior, genus, and the like. Are they villains?
nought exhibit
comprehend ignorant

^words That shouldnt be used if you sence that I dont understand. You speak old english. Not everyone understands that.
I've dumbed down my language "considerably" just for you.
^Clearly not enough. After all I am "Intelectually disturbed"

Scientists label species all the time based on characteristics such as behavior, genus, and the like. Are they villains?
Why are you bringing in some random thing about scientists and animals? This is also a thing that makes it hard to follow you.

Just some tips for you. For future dumb people like myself.

Whatever you say sweetie. :awwn:

Whatever you say sweetie.:awwn:
Reppeditive much? For someone that clearly aims to display your word knowledge, you couldn't figure out something else to say? or did you want to humiliate me more? Just asking.

You went back and editted your post because I can assure you, that grammatical mess, like the post I'm responded to wasn't nearly as coherrent as you believed it to be. :smart:
And now you bring forth accusations? I haven't edited anything. And yes, my posts are a gramattical mess. Just look at all the juicu spelling errors in them. Makes you want to point them out dont you? ;D
Once again, I am swedish. English isnt my first langange, even though its my mothertongue.

I'll concede to that.
Thank you.

Ladies and gentleman, this is what happens when a generation does not read. I used the term "I" simply because no other term like it exists in human language. ZERO PHOENIX (the icon) is the perfect human, that which all men and women should aspire to. I (as in me) am also aspiring to be a man worthy of the icon I have created i.e. ZERO PHOENIX. ZERO PHOENIX( the icon, man in his perfect state) is perfect. I didn't say that ZERO PHOENIX (me) is perfect. Some Nietzsche or even Hegel would clear a lot of this up for you.
Some Nietzsche or even Hegel would clear a lot of this up for you.
Once again you bring in random names and persons or scenarios out of no where. I, who according to you, aren't that smart. And I am clearly not that broadly educated to know who those old geezers are.
Why do you do that?
As for another point. If you aim to be the perfect person you should start by not insulting people, try to be even more general, and make people understand without stepping on them. Be nice.
But then again, that might be hard with your ego/pride.

As I said before. I'm mostly the same online as I am in the real world. I believe that individuals, united by a common cause, a good cause should have the liberty to pursue that ends in a manner befitting the greatest number of people. Likewise, anyone who lives to subvert order, justice, virtue, well, need I say more?
subvert What does that mean?
I feel sorry for your IRL friends then. If you are as egoistic and Pride full in real life I am surprised that you have friends. No offense, but based on what Ive read so far, ... Oh wait, that was what you said when you thought you knew me.
This may not be my place to interject, but couldn't some of these problems be solved with a simple look into a dictionary?

Definition of DIATRIBE

archaic : a prolonged discourse

: a bitter and abusive speech or piece of writing

: ironic or satirical criticism

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See diatribe defined for kids »

Examples of DIATRIBE

  1. The article is a diatribe against mainstream media.
  2. a bitter diatribe about how unfair the tax system is
  3. … his apparent inability to keep his pen from drifting from the main objective of his words into diatribe must have taken away from the sound and otherwise convincing arguments that he advanced. —Henry Petroski, Engineers of Dreams, 1995
  4. [+]more

Origin of DIATRIBE

Latin diatriba, from Greek diatribē pastime, discourse, from diatribein to spend (time), wear away, from dia- + tribein to rub — more at throwFirst Known Use: 1581

Related to DIATRIBE

Synonyms: tirade, harangue, jeremiad, philippic, rant

Related Words: assault, attack, broadside, invective, lambasting, lashing, tongue-lashing, vituperation; berating, chewing out, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reproof; abuse, castigation, censure, condemnation, criticism, denunciation; belittlement, deprecation, depreciation, disparagement, dissing; excoriation, execration, revilement; admonishment, admonition, lecture, sermon
Definition of NOUGHT

variant of naught

Definition of NAUGHT

: nothing <efforts came to naught>

See naught defined for English-language learners »

See naught defined for kids »

Variants of NAUGHT

naught also nought

Origin of NAUGHT

Middle English nought, from Old English nāwiht, from no + wiht creature, thing — more at no, wightFirst Known Use: before 12th century
Definition of EXHIBIT

transitive verb
: to submit (as a document) to a court or officer in course of proceedings; also : to present or offer officially or in legal form

: to present to view: as a : to show or display outwardly especially by visible signs or actions <exhibited no fear> b : to have as a readily discernible quality or feature <in all cultures we know, men exhibit an aesthetic sense — H. J. Muller> c : to show publicly especially for purposes of competition or demonstration <exhibit a collection of artifacts>

intransitive verb
: to display something for public inspection

ex·hib·i·tive adjective
ex·hib·i·tor noun
ex·hib·i·to·ry adjective

See exhibit defined for English-language learners »

See exhibit defined for kids »

Examples of EXHIBIT

  1. They will be exhibiting a collection of paintings.
  2. He proudly exhibited his trophy.
  3. He first exhibited an interest in music when he was very young.
  4. The patient exhibited signs of the disease.

Origin of EXHIBIT

Middle English, from Latin exhibitus, past participle of exhibēre, from ex- + habēre to have, hold — more at giveFirst Known Use: 15th century

Related to EXHIBIT

Synonyms: display, disport, show, expose, flash, flaunt, lay out, parade, produce, show off, sport, strut, unveil

Related Words: brandish, flourish, wave; advertise, air, announce, blaze, broadcast, herald, placard, post, proclaim, publicize, sound, trumpet; divulge, talk (about), tell (of); bare, discover, reveal, uncloak, uncover, unmask
Definition of COMPREHEND

transitive verb
: to grasp the nature, significance, or meaning of <unable to comprehend what has happened>

: to contain or hold within a total scope, significance, or amount <philosophy's scope comprehends the truth of everything which man may understand — H. O. Taylor>

: to include by construction or implication <does not prudence comprehend all the virtues? — Thomas B. Silver>

com·pre·hend·ible adjective

See comprehend defined for English-language learners »

See comprehend defined for kids »

Examples of COMPREHEND

  1. <the age at which children can comprehend the difference between right and wrong>
  2. <it took me a while to comprehend algebra>


Middle English, from Anglo-French comprendre, comprehendre, from Latin comprehendere, from com- + prehendere to grasp — more at getFirst Known Use: 14th century


Synonyms: appreciate, apprehend, assimilate, behold, catch, catch on (to), cognize, compass, conceive, cotton (to or on to), decipher, decode, dig, discern, get, grasp, grok, intuit, know, make, make out, perceive, recognize, register, savvy, see, seize, sense, tumble (to), twig, understand, pick up on
Definition of IGNORANT

a : destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics> b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors>

: unaware, uninformed

ig·no·rant·ly adverb
ig·no·rant·ness noun

See ignorant defined for English-language learners »

See ignorant defined for kids »

Examples of IGNORANT

  1. He is an ignorant old racist.
  2. She was ignorant about the dangers of the drug.
  3. It was an ignorant mistake.
  4. … the World Series of the wild-card era is the pull of a slot-machine lever, a game of chance ignorant of form. Regularly populated now with second-place clubs or flavor-of-the-month teams more than dominant regular-season franchises … —Tom Verducci, Sports Illustrated, 30 Oct. 2006
  5. [+]more

Origin of IGNORANT

(see ignore)First Known Use: 14th century

Related to IGNORANT

Synonyms: analphabetic, benighted, dark, illiterate, nonliterate, rude, simple, uneducated, uninstructed, unlearned, unlettered, unread, unschooled, untaught, untutored
Definition of SUBVERT

transitive verb
: to overturn or overthrow from the foundation : ruin

: to pervert or corrupt by an undermining of morals, allegiance, or faith

sub·vert·er noun

See subvert defined for English-language learners »

See subvert defined for kids »

Examples of SUBVERT

  1. They conspired to subvert the government.
  2. trying to subvert the electoral process

Origin of SUBVERT

Middle English, from Anglo-French subvertir, from Latin subvertere, literally, to turn from beneath, from sub- + vertere to turn — more at worthFirst Known Use: 14th century

Related to SUBVERT

Synonyms: abase, bastardize, canker, cheapen, corrupt, debauch, degrade, demean, demoralize, deprave, deteriorate, lessen, pervert, poison, profane, prostitute, debase, vitiate, warp

And Xiga, honey. Do you really mean you hate children, or do you hate dealing with them? There's a difference.


Active Member
I get nervous, eeiry, discusted and frankly afraid of children. I definitely don't like children.
And I know what the words mean, but I am just saying, Zero, you could have done a better job at dumbing down your language.