Award Suggestions


Kitty pawns all!
*A giant shadow cast above crestham*

Terror:you called?

Savage:Fluffy hamster

Ravage:tasty breakfast

Terror:mad:kamil's suggestion. Veteran AGers should be those who manage to survive/win 3 games up


Active Member
Staff member
Champion Icons for:



Black Jack

Fruit Machine

... I forgot what other games are in the Game Room xD;


Pistis Sophia
[quote name='Avan Onee-chan']Hardcore Trap Award: get the following error: "vBulletin Message A required field called Gender is missing or has an invalid value."

Sleepyhead Award: Post in the wrong thread[/QUOTE]

Gender field is required now, you have 4 options to chose from.


Yea, Its been a ride...
Ok, a quick update on awards - These awards appear to have multiple people backing them right now and will be made into awards:

Greed Award

Die Hard Award

Trap Award

Necromancer Award

As well as a few special RolePlaying Section Related Awards!

Remember - Show support for other awards! The more members who want an award, the more likely it will be made!

Note: If anyone wants their award made into an award, you can make the image yourself (You must have the main image of this around 48x48 pixels in size and have a matching icon 17x17 pixels in size). If you do this, your award will instantly be added to the award showcase (Assuming they are not offensive in any way)