Assassin's Creed AG Discussion Thread [Game Over]


The doctor is in.
HAHAHA, a doctor needs a doctor! Or the irony.

Well there's that, but considering the possibility that the game can me templar + City guard + citizen +neutral vs. assassins, I stand to believe that assassins are the more dangerous group (unless godo just screwed up).
Hmmm.....why don't we just ask GOW?
I didn't state that I was a doctor yesterday, though ppl might have attacked me cause I didn't think Kitty was lying. But that's due to my role of being a doctor and merchant~~~ but IDK.

I'll even show my role if nessary to prove my innocence.


Active Member
Hello! I'm just stopping by to say; I have read this and there's a few things i find odd... I have decided to vote for Shadowwolf.. I have more to say about this, though I really have to get going >.< Sorry D;>


Yea, Its been a ride...
A good point was brought to my attention about the secondary group (In the "so-called rolesheet" of noex) - What is its purpose of existing? All the Conspirators were Templar members, so why a sub-faction within the assassin faction? It really doesn't make much sense.

I'm going No one GMV for now, until this matter is cleared up.
I should have thought about this earlier tbh >__>"


Yea, Its been a ride...
Meh, I was in a rush cause I thought I only had 20 or so minutes to read the discussion thread and reply for the entire day, so I didn't get a full grasp on the situation >__>"
Though I do still believe the item he brought wouldn't appear in the investigation, it is something to consider with the secondary group as well.


Emmie was here
Meh, I was in a rush cause I thought I only had 20 or so minutes to read the discussion thread and reply for the entire day, so I didn't get a full grasp on the situation >__>"
Though I do still believe the item he brought wouldn't appear in the investigation, it is something to consider with the secondary group as well.
Which reminds me. Who here has played assassins creed? Remember how extensive their investigations were? Maybe shadow wolf is an assassin, that would make sense, game wise.


The doctor is in.
Viva, you bring up a good point. Why have a secret faction within in a faction that's already (well at least in the game) secret?

In general, if you've played the game, I'm pretty sure that's how it was. I do remember the scene with Ezio eavesdropping on that meeting they were having outside one of the city's he went to.

But one still has to wonder, what would Shadow gain from lying?

Which reminds me. Who here has played assassins creed? Remember how extensive their investigations were? Maybe shadow wolf is an assassin, that would make sense, game wise.
So does that make her the baddie? Especially if we're looking at it with the view that the game is at least set up to where the Templars and City Guards are trying to take out the Assassin's. (Why double team them if they're the "good guys"?)


Staff member
*facepalms* for the reading.

And yey for the new discovery via Viva.

and now to reply to quots :

We can try Viva, since he was defending Crestham and since Templars, ergo "assassins" know each other, it's worth a try.
Of the hook person. I think,at least.

Also note that by looking at the Active Users Viewing box, I can see that our Dead Crestham is watching this thread. Uh... That kinda feels odd. Then again, I did watch AG's that I died in a few times. As for the Banker issue, it MIGHT make sense since the service is GUARDING MONEY. It's like putting your whole coffer in Deposit and the Bank takes a large chunk of the cash. o.o
Thnx for corrections. <3
If there's another doctor here besides me, please heal me. ><
I just figured out.
Two doctors. Two arms dealers. So extraordinary...

Discussion; Aside from ShadowWolf, Noex and Kitty; Who are suspect?

Personally I find that ShadowWol'fs instant PM to Kitty is a bit suspect. And the fact that Zombehs had sold Noex somethiing already. How come that wasn't on the rolesheet? Was the rolesheet faked? If it was faked it would make some sense, because;
Lets assume that Kitty is a Templar. The templar and a Neutral decides to work together. (ShadowWolf and Kitty)
The Templar makes a fake rolesheet, based of his or her own, with the purpose of convicting an innocent player (In this case Noex) and then via the neutral (Who poses as an investigator) tries to convince the people that the innocent is a templar thus lynching him for the day?
And Since it is apparently in ShadowWolf's nature to go public it would be a great cover.

It may be far fetched, but this would secure the templars as well as the one neutral to gain on their goals.

You are on quite a good way.

@ And Stein :
The Templars where a secret society of the super rich, the super powerful and the super corrupt.
Assassins where on the other side.

I need rest now.. <.<


Emmie was here
@ And Stein :
The Templars where a secret society of the super rich, the super powerful and the super corrupt.
Assassins where on the other side.

I need rest now.. <.<
Think of it from the citizens perspective though. Assassins are bad. And game mechanics wise, why else would two groups be set out to kill them.

And to put it out there, i suspect Shadow wolf is an assassin.


Staff member
Meh..I don't think so.

I observed him post. And he didn't do anything so suspicious to make him the target.
I believe he is on the side of the good guys. If you know what i mean. :p


Emmie was here
Meh..I don't think so.

I observed him post. And he didn't do anything so suspicious to make him the target.
I believe he is on the side of the good guys. If you know what i mean. :p
No, i don't think it's about his posting habits, just the nature of his ability. People were wondering why his investigation was so extensive, and that's the only answer that makes sense. Remember how thorough the investigations of the assassins were in game? They knew absolutely everything.

And don't be duped. Assassins are not the good guys, at least not in the public eyes. Just look at how the factions are set up.


Staff member
I didn't say assassins are good guys.
But ok lets say you have a point.

I can tell you i have 100 % proof he isn't one.

What would you do then?
Ugh... Why are there so many pages while I'm asleep...

Anyways, I don't trust Kitty because he claims to have been pickpocketed severely, but despite supposedly guarding none of them failed. This means he must have used an ability instead, even though he claims to only have the one, or he's very unlucky. Either one...

Well on to more important business, this probably won't work... But I'm going to try anyways because I have no other plans.

godofwar7 said:
Guard Captain

Faction: City Guard
Personal Goals

Protect- Provide Rank 1 protection to target.

Disciplined- You abilities cannot be canceled. This ability is passive.
Milanese Sword- Injures target.
GameMaster's Hint: Someone needs to take charge.


Staff member about this :

Help the XXXXXXX win.

Donate enough money to save those that really need it.

Have X florins by the end of the game.
XXX are for safety reasons :p
I can't really revel everything can i ..