The den of Pervs

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@Amy - haha you better be kidding xD cause if the hack suddenly stops working I wont be there to fix it again xDDDyea you just wanna make yourself happy xD if people pay the right price you will make them happy with your candy hahatrying and not working
ur sooooooooo guilty!!
[media][/media][/spoiler]hahayea we should ;b we gonna be like bonnie and clyde xd except in the last part I use you as a human shield xdohh I'm a nerd for hire xD just call me otacon when you need my nerdy service xDkill me with cake?? yiikes >_> I can't die I need to live to eat more cakeyea right!!! and that halo is fake I can see the stick you use to hold it in the air xD@arc - that's awesome ^^ I finally downloaded no$gba againso Im gonna start playing soul silver soon XD


Kissing ZeroKnight's Neck
Staff member
@Gene : ...true, and knowing me it would break after a little while >.>the right price is right, i has to make moneyz somehow~D: but but...i'm innocent
lolz that video made me laugh >///< don't know what you're talking about~like i would ever do such a thingXD lol that's not fair, i'm not much of a human shield >.>> we should just wear bullet proof vests ^^haha like the geek squad xPwhat's with you people and snu snu...though i have to say, that's a good way to go XDthat's just...>.> shushit's's just cracked a little >.>>>@Arc : oh, i've heard of that game before. I never played it though
@Amy - haha I've just hit the cookie and cake mother load then xDoh wow ;b what makes you think I won't pull a sting on you xDD I need to make money too XPyea right xD we cant afford rocket launchershaha peter is crazy xD but ima do the same to u if ur selling any of that >_>so u dont carjack?? xDeveryone is a human shield xD so dont worry ;bohh yea we should and when I use you as a human shield i'll be even safer xDyea XP except for you to cantact me you need to use the codec xD my frequency is 141.12 xDDtsk tskshush wont work xDyea right from which angel u stole it? xD@arc - yea thats true for me its hard to find a good horror game >_>@yoshi - hi h i^^ what's up?


Kissing ZeroKnight's Neck
Staff member
@Gene : lolz at my house it always is ^^ lots of sweetsi can give you little bit i can share~No! i needs to sell!D: that's horrible >///< i would neverI'll hide from the shooters, we should have rockets or something we can fire from our car XDThe vest is good enough for you D: you don't need me on top of it >.<O_O *does not understand nerdness*>.> i would have to agreei stole it from...a child.... >.>>> i gave her candy though@Arc : what anime are you watching??
@arc - yea the week came by so fast I'm like daaaaaaaaaamn >_>@Amy - haha then after I steal from the shops I'll steal from your house then I'll keep hitting every house haha no sweet nor cake is safe!I'm a cookie and cake addict and the cake better not be a lie ;bthen every time you share you gotta gimme some cookie @_@true but i dont wanna damage the vests so you wil be a how you say bullet sponge my vest is hte last line of defense>_>tsssk *gives you nerd handbook* xD you have to understand our culture and language xD
IS is already reached episode 8.... and next week...9... the episode that involves fighting is the best.. which is episode 2,3,4,5,and 8... i think... and of course scene with the girls..... especially episode 9.... when it's summer time..... summer time=beach and beach=girls in bikini..... i hope...
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