The den of Pervs

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i don't see how being talkative could ever be a problem.i find it quite endearing, actually. :3@gene: uuuuuhm... because i can? -pounces on him again-
[quote name='"amandaluvsya' date=' post: 4125"']@Gene : yes the big giant kind ^^i can make you cake too, it's chocolate <3lolz the work is too much, oh yes gene, slaving over a psp all day~ XDfine, maybe it depends on if the hack works xP[/quote]ohhhh *drools* M&M and cake xD I'm really temptedto carjack someone and go over there XPhaha hey it's hard work >_>;; you have to press buttonsand stuff hahaaww and aside from the money I expect a dark magician girl card!! which there was onein which she wore a bikini for summer haha my faav card xD@viral - noooo pouncing xD *scared* >_>


Kissing ZeroKnight's Neck
Staff member
@Viral : haha be careful@gene : yes it's really good ^^and yah, car jack someone, this is LA anyway, no one will notice xD unless it's an expensive one >.>in that case... make it a jaguar ^^lolz oh what hard work it must be to do that xPD: what a perv~for shame~~fine i'll give you 2 cookies and cake ^^
haha okk I'll carjack someone and meet you outside your house xPand I know your hiding a extra cake >_>ohh really?? I'll steal a jaguar @_@oh it is but someones gotta do it XP I'd like to see you try it >_> open door puch victim then steal car xDim a gamer haha the most frustrating games are NES game only two buttonsendless amount of torment!! <_< so hardshush I'm no perv >_>it's just dark magician girl!!my fav~~ I still have that card xD perfectly preserved xD


Kissing ZeroKnight's Neck
Staff member
@Gene : lolz that sounds good to me xPmadness~ @.@ how do you know that??that would be pretty awesome i have to say XD you can have all the cookies you want if you do that push buttons? haha i do that on a daily basis......... ... the problem is getting them to do what i want >.>>> i never get that far...HA! you are a perv xP you can't deny *.*@Viral : Cereal is good, i like fruit loops ^^
@Amy - you better have the cookies ready for me or there will be hell to pay xDDD gene don't like to wait ;b haha joke!!eh?? stalker?? haha no no xdwell I'll give you a ride if u know a please with lots of sweets >_> always must have stockpile of sweets and chocolateoh??? I wonder which buttons you are pressing >_> it's A and B unless your playing SNES xdshhh I'm no perv xd its just a card! xdand I CAN deny it xD which is what I'm doing now XPcause im not~@viral - yea you was very close ;bcocoa pebbles are super delicious I'm cuckoo for cocoa pebbles xDthough the rice krispies that are chocolate now are the best x3


Kissing ZeroKnight's Neck
Staff member
li'll wrap the cookies in a bag with a bow and give them to you as soon as you arrive xPI has a stalker @____@ know about the drug dealings!!! D: ...i mean......candy...dealings... ...yah~.... ... ... >.>>>>>yay ^^ i wants, that would be awesome, we must go to the bakery *.* such good cakes there~...which buttons.........all of them XD could be why it doesn't workDDD: i don't even own one of those <<<<.< i lost shouldn't deny, we're all pervs here @.@
@Amy - aww so you don't use bow cause I might choke on it? xDyea you do haha candy dealings? that's what you kids call drugs these days xD taking your feel good candy? XPsure thing ;b I'll take you there I'll be the get away driver XD stealing candy and chocolate @_@haha all of them? no no you cant be like that u have to know which buttons to press ;blike I do, I've been a gamer for years!!soo we are the geek squad AT style?? >_>no killing!! I like cake but not enough that will kill me xdyea you are all pervs but I'm the only one pure amongst all of you XPI only want cards and look for the amazoness swordswoman haha I miss yu gi oh >_>@arc - yooo arc ;b how are you???


Kissing ZeroKnight's Neck
Staff member
Hey Arc ^^@Gene : lolz alright no bow, i don't want you to die, you have to hack my psp first D: (kidding xP)it's happy candy~ can you blame me for trying to make people happy.......shush, i'm trying to justify my criminality >.<@.@ shush! >.>><.<no one is supposed to know about thatyes! ooo that means we can steal stuff... i like ^^ we shouldXD this is why i have you peoples here, to do nerdy things like that for me ^_^D: madness~~ i'll kill you... ...with cake.purest?? HA! i'm the most innocent here~I would never do anything naughty, I have a halo above my head :sweat:
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