The den of Pervs

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@tomomi - whaa?? you better get in bed missy
you need your rest and I'm playing persona 3 on the psp right nowafter that I'm playing thief and then look for more horror games >_> and yesh i want some cookies please!!!@viral - *looks at you* o.0.......>_>
I will, I will.
Always go to bed around 12am. So, really soon. :eek:Oh, Persona 3. Awesome. I want it for PSP too, but I think it wasn't released here. Or I just can't find it. >.>*gives you some cookies* What are you looking at? *turns head and stares at Viral* Hmmm... o__o
@tomomi - haha okk I'll return you to your pokeball when your about to go to sleep *takes out masterball * XDreally? if you want to I can hack your psp so you can download it and play it xDthats how I'm playing mine
*eats cookie* yummy x3 oh nothing just starting at viral >_>@Amy - hi hi Amy, how are you??
@amanda: Hey, I was on almost whole day since I got up! xD@Master: Yesh, keep ma ball ready. x3Well, then come over here and do it! xD*keeps staring* Hmmm... >.>
haha I am, I am xDaww I'll go over there anytime you want but you have to pay my plane ticket hahaha but if you dont wanna gimme the money we can do it over internet xddno more staring xD *gives you a big cookie* ;b


Kissing ZeroKnight's Neck
Staff member
@Tomomi : lolz you should do that everyday that way I can talk to sleep too much xP>.> i sleep all day (if i don't have school) too, don't worry <.<@Gene : Hi gene ^^I'm good, how are you?i didn't know you could hack... D:you should come here and hack mine, it would be epic *.*
@Master: Good, good. :3Noo, I don't want a hacked PSP. I can live without it. I have the P3 for Playstation so it doesn't really matter.
*noms big cookie* Kay, no more staring then. >w<@amanda: Today I had no work so I could, but tomorrow I have. xD
@tomomi - *tosses pokeball up and down* haha okk but still you can pay me to go over there xDso we can play games till early hours in the morning hahahayay ;b cookies always solve everything *huggles* @Amy - I'm doing good playing persona 3 on the psp grinding my char >_>such a tedious process yea I can hack somethings xd call me otacon haha (MGS reference) okk okk I'll hack yours but you still need to pay for it my services and ticket XP


Kissing ZeroKnight's Neck
Staff member
@Tomomi : D: that should tell your work to suck eggz for making you goi can't stay up late either anymore, i have to get up before the sun does... ... which doesn't make me a very happy panda in the morning xD@Gene : you should, i want O.Oi pay you in cookies ^^I have M&M ones~<3
@Master: *looks at Pokeball* I think I have to go inside now... >w<Yeah, I know you want ME to pay for your ticket!! xDThat would be fun, but I don't have enough money. :pYes, they do. <3@amanda: Well, I have to do, what... I'm forced to do. xDM&M cookies????? *Q*Well, good night my friends. Until tomorrow~*goes into Pokeball*
@tomomi - haha okk tomomi return ;b *red beam appears and summons u back into your pokeball *yesh pay pay pay $_$ I want a free tickets to your place xDD I don't wanna pay for a thing ;baww xD then we gonna play games all night xD gamers night!! I used to do that stay up all night and play nothing but games, good night tomomi ^^@Amy - haha cookies you say? >_> I might pay you a visitand hack your psp but I expect lots and looots of money~ hahaha@viral - kyaaa heyy why you pouncing on me xD


Kissing ZeroKnight's Neck
Staff member
@Tomomi : lolz i know, i'm just messing with you xPand okays~ talk to you later tomomi ^^@Gene : yes the big giant kind ^^i can make you cake too, it's chocolate <3lolz the work is too much, oh yes gene, slaving over a psp all day~ XDfine, maybe it depends on if the hack works xP@Pan : haha well you see i have this condition where i don't shut upit's quite a problem sometimes~
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