[Discussion Thread] Valkyria Chronicles [Game Over]

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... Well, crap.

Seems like the only option left IS to kill off Ero by vote.

All Gallians, PM me. NAO. Give me the first half of the description for Gallia to prove your worth.

All Atlantians, PM your leader and prove yourselves.

We must stand together and fight.

♣Kaname Madoka♣

poor hamster.... atleast you didn't kill your girlfriend because of a fluke... >_>
ah, dead... as everything will be...


have you all finalized your decisions?


oh yeah, first three to vote for me should know that they have the possibility of dying

I am suppose to make some sort of useful comment that would ultimately help people win the game, but I have done nothing for the last two days and people are still dying by a fine amount each day while I am memorizing things for my own game.

This is Frappy ghost from yesterday, reporting in for no apparent raison.



Pistis Sophia
Do you know why the snow is white?...Because it forgot what colour it was.


Act IV

The Longest Night

- Barious desert, night -

Just say a word and I will save you.

Death, not everything is decided yet.​

With those words Death Goddess has left the Black Witch. The Valkyrur stood there and waited. After the chaos she has caused, she knew she would attract a lot of attention. And that was the plan, to buy as much time as possible for her knight to fulfil the duty. She has already heard the incoming army, coming with tanks and full battalions of soldiers. It was not like they could harm her, and did not even hope this could end in a painless way. It was the Galian army, the blue uniforms blending into the depths of the night. To her surprise, it was not fire that she heard first, but a call to surrender. And so she obliged. She did not intend to fight in the first place, it was not the plan. She could only commend the Galian force for being so well prepared, it seems the Galian Empress is trying to avoid casualties as much as she can. A particular sight caught her attention, as some of the troops belonged to the Atlantic Federation. Could it be that they finally understood?

You are a fool Witch. No matter the outcome, I will always win.

The Death Goddess observed the spectacle from a nearby cliff. With one feet she stood on a fresh corpse in a red uniform. It's not time that devours the empires, but Death itself, she thought to herself before she disappeared.

The alliance was necessary to capture the Witch, but it was just a temporary thing. The battle have continued, the Barious desert had a stench of blood that no other battlefield had. And it was still only the beginning, as it seems the Galian have betrayed the Federation. Without any remorse, their best sniper have shot one of the most prized warriors of the Atlantic Federation, Elena of Thousand Blades. If she had the time to utter last words, they would be those of hate towards the cowardly snipers.

The ongoing battle between the two nation have sparkled the interest of Valkyrurs as well. But it seems they no longer target their prey randomly. As the blue flames appeared, the soldiers started running in confusion. But it was all easier, as she already knew where to find her prey. The noble of the Atlantic Federation that has betrayed his Empress and joined the Black Rebellion. His final days, as he understands the mistake of defying death. The Valkyrur did not waste time, quickly charged her lance and fired. No mercy, no second thoughts. The job was done, but she forgot that straying from her goal was a dangerous thing. The second remaining Valkyrur has quickly ambushed Alicia, not giving her the chance to counterattack. She managed to succefully disarm her, but was distracted when she intended to deal the finishing blow.

The days of your rampage are over Valkyrur.

Who do you think I am mortal?! You dare face me?...

The Valkyrur instantly felt something was wrong. That human could not be a mere mortal. She did not pay attention to the retreating Valkyrur, as a far worse opponent stood in front of her. She entered a defensive stance, but the moment black flames engulfed her, she had to throw away her lance and shield to not be burned alive. She just stood there in shock, not understanding what has happened. The Black Knight just stood there and waited. Not daring to fight the mysterious stranger unarmed, Alliase has retreated as well. When she was out of sight, the Knight fell down from exhaustion.

So this is it, without the support of the Witch's power, my life will just burn away sooner than expected. It's not like my life was important, there's still one thing I need to do.

With those words the Knight have stood up and moved onwards without looking behind.


1. EroLussion, Eve the Nameless Witch, Ancient Valkyrur of the Black Blood has been captured by the Galian forces.

2. The Black Knight has lost the flames that has protected him, the Witch was too weakened to upkeep them.

3. Both Valkyrurs were disarmed, loosing their divine protection and are now using conventional weapons.

4. Hoshi Cherry, Lord Percy von Ravenloft of the Atlantic Federation, has been killed

5. Foreverava, Elena of Thousand Blades and a member of the Atlantic Federation, has been killed.

6. --Pal--, Radi Jaeger of the Imperial Alliance, has died.

7. The Imperial Alliance has been wiped out.

8. The Empress of the Atlantic Federation is the last one to stand and fight, all her troops have been killed.

9. The Day of Reckoning is near.

Imp. alliance is gone

only the empress was left


might as well give Gallia this victory

/braces self for imminent death...


anyone up lynching Emmie?
[quote name='Amulet Shade']I kind of figured she wasn't lynchable because she was a Goddess :([/QUOTE]

Ever heard of TRYING?

don't give up.......

[quote name='Mystic']game over ......[/QUOTE]

technically by the next day........

[quote name='Crestham']Rawr, activity in this thread has dropped to an all-time low. Looks like everyone's working behind the scenes.[/QUOTE]


we got like 8 players left.......xD
[quote name='EroLussion']lolwhut?

we got like 8 players left.......xD[/QUOTE]

yeah... so it s to be expected...

come on guys, end this fast.

next next! XD
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