Corrupt a wish

You become a robot but you are defective and shut down immediately and no one wants to fix you :p

I wish my title of King of the Arcade won't get taken away again.
still up, I see >:3 nyohoho~

granted, you see me but immediately go blind because the hotness is too much for you

I wish my sister wasn't leaving so soon D: also I wish I had spelled 'to' right in my previous post >_<''


Follower of kiyology
Granted but you have her tied up Cathy Bates style and took a sledge hammer to her leg.

Also granted but from now on you will always do the opposite and the wrong time.

I wish for my sight back!
granted, but now all the beauty is gone from the world.

D: my poor sister
I wish your avatar would come give me a hug :3 because that coat is pretty cool