Putting Women In Their Place


You're a f#cking idiot you know that. I don't give a sh!t about your experience and neither does anyone else. This is a serious discussion. If you want to waste time then head to one of the spam threads. If you don't have any other purpose here than to post dumb shit and sport that ridiculous set then you need to get the f#ck out.

Gotdman f#cktards. I hope you get hit by a car.
Dude, chill. See? Post deleted. Nothing to get so mad about.



:thumb: Yes..yes.. i see your point there.
That is true.I We do put a lot of limitations on ourselfs.For example there is a small % of females in prosthesis.Extension that replace a missing body part.It can be a tricky job.The biggest problem can be, for a women, the inability to separate/close emotions while doing that job.It is kinda depressing. But they still try. :p
But i can't say it is fair for something to be "just close enough".If you do a same job as a male. Then you get the same wage. Right? I mean. Why wouldn't she.

Would you rather have a position on my staff?



1) Tell us where a woman's place is in the world and explain why?

2) Share your views on feminism?

3) Discuss how feminism is different from equality. [And yes they are different.]

4) As a woman, are you satisfied with your place in society?

5) As a man, are you satisfied with the place women have in society?
1. I don't care where her place is in the world. If she wants to stay home and manage the home I'd certainly be pleased especially considering my employment is based around risking my life for money; hers(in reference to my girlfriend) is being a student, or freelancer. Thus my decision. Alternatively, I could have said the kitchen and trollolololed away. Note if you're aware of how to read, you'll have noticed that this statement is applied to my current situation. In other situations it will differ.

2. I fucking hate feminists and feminism to the core.

3. Equality means that, in this case, men and women are equal. Understandable, and supportable. Feminists seem to believe that the patriarchal order must be abolished, it cannot remain in even the smallest of forms. That's no equality, that's a matriarchal order.

4. Yes :D

5. To some degree yes. There are certain professions, such as the armed forces I currently strongly disagree with them operating in.