Inter arma enim silent leges

Through High School sure but I think College and Universities should be paid for, they just shouldnt be that expensive. The Careers they get there is what helps them get jobs and with those jobs they usually pay off loans but because of the situation now its not happening like that. Your thoughts?
Will you marry me? =3=

...a more serious question: Do you intend to use the TI in the future as a medium to promate a cause; as you did with Troy Davis? Or was that a one time deal?

Kaze Araki

Libertarian Communist
Through High School sure but I think College and Universities should be paid for, they just shouldnt be that expensive. The Careers they get there is what helps them get jobs and with those jobs they usually pay off loans but because of the situation now its not happening like that. Your thoughts?
It should be free from all charges.

Will you marry me? =3=

...a more serious question: Do you intend to use the TI in the future as a medium to promate a cause; as you did with Troy Davis? Or was that a one time deal?
I perceived what appear to be a form of indirect dislike for activism articles among the rank, thus it may be - perhaps or probably - a bit more difficult for me to insert anything of that nature in the future. However, if TI has a strong and cohesive community, I think we can shove in articles regardless of opposition.

Or better yet, create our own independent newsletter.


Kiyo's Father
How would the teachers get paid? If its free some students might not even try. I think the quality of it could get lost no? And if it were free wouldnt the schools have to beg the government more and end up under funded?


Kiyo's Father
Your really going to go down this path aren't you? :D
Any teachers, any students and any governments in which you have to pay to go to uni.

Kaze Araki

Libertarian Communist
A government can only justifiably exist because of the social contract between equal men - in the making of a community.
Since the signing of the contract, men goal are not individual anymore but men must strife to benefit the society overall.
Education upgrades the individuals with knowledge that would benefit the society even further - therefore it must be free.


Kiyo's Father
But before university education is free, so it does its job in that extent, if they want more knowledge they could get it themselves. Universities are more for careers and sometimes opens some peoples mind. For example I've gotten too lazy these days so I havent really been reading or expanding my mind since I am happy the way I am, but before that I knew people who went to Unis and barely learned things that I already knew. Another example can be shard he hasnt gone there yet but you consider him knowledgeable no?
And in society do we not need all kinds of men even ignorant ones?