Time or Immortality?

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Kitty pawns all!
Which will you choose?

The power to stop time? Time is in your hands...and so is your Age(your power will only affect yourself,your not allowed to influence other's sense of time)


The power of Immortality? Forever young and invulnerability

i donno....this just struck me. which would i choose?...hmm kinda wanna choose time over life..
Shouldn't this be in Kyubey Way or something?

Anyway, I'd pick time over immortality. Time is something you can actually control. It can be measured. However, immortality is an absolute term. You're either immortal or not immortal. If I could control immortality, then I'd just be immortal, but if I could stop time, think of all the things I could do! (including finishing my homework on time)


Kitty pawns all!
[quote name='Hadriel']Shouldn't this be in Kyubey Way or something?

Anyway, I'd pick time over immortality. Time is something you can actually control. It can be measured. However, immortality is an absolute term. You're either immortal or not immortal. If I could control immortality, then I'd just be immortal, but if I could stop time, think of all the things I could do! (including finishing my homework on time)[/QUOTE]

whats the kyubei way section about again? lol

Anyway heres the thing. If your immortal you can do whatever you want too. EG HW. who gives a dam. even if you dont study well or whatnot you can walk into a bank rob it and nobody can do shit. actually you can just take what you want and nobody can stop you lol.
Well, Kyubey Way contains The Lounge, where people discuss stuff that isn't all spam. If you want to make this discussion even more serious, then the Infinite Duress Section is good.

Well, immortality means forgoing your human relationships. You're going to see everyone you know and love die of old age, and you can't do anything about it. At least with time control, you still live a normal life, but during that life, the things you can do with time control are endless.


Yea, Its been a ride...
I'd go with immortality, because even though time would be tight, but with immortality you can actual work to do things, not sure how to explain it.. Lets say: You want to throw a pole for a contest or something

Time - You freeze time and move the pole

Immortality - You have to build your own strength and skill like a regular person, its more rewarding.

The classic argument against immortality is relationships, but I never really thought it was a valid enough to convince me that immortality was bad. Plus, I would love to see what the future holds for humanity.

@ Thread Placement - Its fine here if Aker doesn't want it to become a serious discussion.
i prefer power to control time

cuz i still want to die

an immortal doesn't have that luxury

after all controlling time means you can use the time on ur favor

procrastinating all the time and you still can hand ur tasks on time

using fast forward time skip boring time

using slow motion to avoid danger

using stop time to peeking girl

in any way it's quite cool


Fighting The Cold hands of Time
Staff member
[quote name='Hadriel']Shouldn't this be in Kyubey Way or something?

Anyway, I'd pick time over immortality. Time is something you can actually control. It can be measured. However, immortality is an absolute term. You're either immortal or not immortal. If I could control immortality, then I'd just be immortal, but if I could stop time, think of all the things I could do! (including finishing my homework on time)[/QUOTE]

but if your immortal you can cause the new world war and survive and become the next ruler xD so who cares about Homework xDDD
stopping time, as in everyone gets slower and you'll live longer? i dunno how that works... ;/ everything won't work if stopped, and if you go, you're not stopping and wasting time. that just means you're going faster. its just the same as superspeed. People can still find you weird and you'll end up in a loo-how

immortality, no change on yourself, no change on what happens to you, no improvements will be made if you cant get better. I dunno how that works. also, means you're not mortal. but you're still something else. nothing greater. there's still something greater than just being a non-mortal. People will suspect you from far from normal.

I still prefer Destiny Removal and that means it consists both of them above. Megahaha! XD

♣Kaname Madoka♣


so I could forever protect Tsukiko

death doesn't scare me... its being without her that I never wanna experince
Time, because I'd be able to stop it and do something worth while..... I don't want to be immortal and see more death than I have to//


Active Member
Staff member
Agreed with Miya ^^ This makes for a good discussion ^^

I would pick Time over Immortality ^^

I could live forever if I was immortal, but I wouldn't have my loved ones :( Although, with the power to control (?) time, I can stop time so we would be together forever ^__^


Kitty pawns all!
Heres a clarification. You can Control time. Meaning you can control your bodies own sense of time. AKA you control how fast/slow you age.

i see many people preferring time over immortality. hmm there are consequences to time also ya know..EG the butterfly Effect etc...:grin:

I can stop time and redo things in the past.

and i can control on my aging...i can die and also I can live a longer life.

bcoz immortality will just get boring overtime.

I will be all alone eventually...with all my loved ones gone.


Active Member
This thread should be moved in the Kyubey's Way.


Stopping the time is cool. 8D

I won't be hurt if I have that ability.

Immortality sucks.

Still, I wanna die. :]

I just don't want to be harmed.

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