I confess.................

I confess, there has never been a better time to give special attention to that one project you have always wanted to start with.

Ahem,...okay I just need her to get in my bedroom. LMAO!!


Follower of kiyology
I confess, there has never been a better time to give special attention to that one project you have always wanted to start with.

Ahem,...okay I just need her to get in my bedroom. LMAO!!
I confess just leave a trail of cookies to your bedroom!

I confess I've been up since 2:45 this morning uuuuhhh =___________=
infinite, just lure her in there with the promise of a magic carpet ride
I confess @moi that makes it sound like @InfiniteMonkey is sporting a mighty thick bush.
Magic Carpet ride or cookies, she's coming in regardless which bait she takes.

I confess, she already knows that I can send her to that one happy place that she loves the most and its going to be blast to my fa-....check that. Just a blast.

I'm never one to boast but I've had more compliments than anything else.
@pimpd, Oi you don't need me to clarify, you already know what I mean. LOL

I confess, this is rather fun! Lets have more of the same with a side of vulgarity. LOL

[MENTION=192]moi[/MENTION], that magic carpet ride is really magical yeah? LOL
I confess, you [MENTION=192]moi[/MENTION], strapping on? Never saw that coming...don't know if I do want to watch it coming. LOL

I confess, I'll strap in, and take note of the ride. As I can give her the carpet ride in which even Aladdin will be most jealous of.

@pimpd, Just keep the vulgarity swinging mate, sort of speak.
OMFG!!! That's quite the apparatus there @pimpd.

I confess, are you sure that even going to err...fit?

@moi, just keep your voice down yeah? Don't want to wake the neighbours.;)

@pimpd, you should hide that in spoilers mate.
I confess omfg =_______________________________________=
I confess, I'm not like the TARDIS... same size inside and out and that is.... guh *flees* I don't want to hurt anyone!
I confess I'll keep my voice down but nothing else will be.
Oh, well, if that's the case, maybe we can just send someone else for some proper snacks then.

I'm thinking strawberries and some champagne and some sweets.< Going to need them after a bit there. LOL

I confess, I'm glad I have tonnes of energy. LOOOOOL! WTF? am I saying?...nevermind.