Cephal's Bureau of Inquiry

Sup guys. Just ask away here if you have any questions for or about me. If asked I will get back to you eventually. Let's see where this will go, eh?
I'm not really doing much right now. I'm unemployed and the economy where I am is pretty stagnant. I'm waiting for a legal settlement to go through and I can't really work until it concludes or else I risk losing the case. It's a two year legal battle. It'll get resolved eventually. I just hope it finishes up soon so I don't lose my apartment.

As for studies back when I was in college for a while (and I intend to go back) I was pursuing a general social sciences AA degree. From there I was seeking to specialize. I might do teaching as a secondary and I'd prefer to teach middle school social studies. My long term goal in life is to become a social scientist and serve as an adviser of some sort.
I'll see where things go. Regardless of how chaotic or bad things may be there's always the realization that I'll still live and maybe with that I can eventually solve my situation. If not? Well, I'll eventually be dead and with that I suppose this realization has helped me to find some reprieve in the event I do fail beyond reproach.

No matter how much you lose there is always retreat until a situation or life finally stops you from sneaking away and forces you into a final stand. Retreat is not a horrible thing, and can in fact be helpful for as long as you can do it. Always better to live to fight another day and fight to die when you cannot retreat any further, eh right?

Your mind and your life are your only two genuine tools that always stick with you, and with those you can always build in some way, shape, or form.


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Your mind and your life are your only two genuine tools that always stick with you, and with those you can always build in some way, shape, or form.
your body can be also a part of it, but i agree with your vision. that's why i wish you the best in your future, don't give up ! And if i/we be of any help... then you are welcome to ask.
When you find yourself in a dark place what is your go to song?
I would have to say this:


The sounds of doom tends to help cushion the blow of everything going on by acknowledging the depths of the worst possibilities and the dread of inevitability.

I came across this remix on Youtube while looking for the original song and I came to find this version soothing.

It's a Final Hours remix from Majora's Mask. I think it's just excellent.

I also enjoyed this version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdfqKRD94wg
Which would you choose.. A love or a career?

You can have both, but which would you pick first?

Honestly, as much as I am not a proponent of the concept (I'm skeptical about the existence of love as a valid concept for a variety of reasons) I'd go with love and then have a career. Having someone there for you would really help when going down a path for a career if they're the right person. If you throw all your effort into a career and expect for it to emotionally pay off later, you'll be sadly mistaken. Money doesn't particularly but happiness, though it can build comfort and keep you entertained.

Or something along those lines.