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  • I haven't read Fairy Tail yet... I read a bit of that thread anyway though ^^ nice to see soemthing keeping MF alive. Although it gets harder to make interesting/relevant posts when a series itself fails to be engaging *coughcoughnaruto* =______='' anyway...

    purple is my favorite color!! XD just thought you might like to know that.
    omg I couldn't do that carriage thing either I think I dragged my friend to my house to do it for me. then again I've played half of AC for her! LOL

    oh yea.... SEEK AND DESTROY o3o

    no problem ^^ care to link me? I've been so bored with MF lately, would be nice to see something exciting there.
    green was my high school color XD not that I liked high school.
    Playing twilight princess on the wii... I fail. so badly. I like zelda... but I don't?? they can be very frustrating and predictable, but at the same time they have a formula that just works.

    perfect files O3o you are, how shall I put it? intense. do your best ^^ I played mario on nes and barely got past the first level ><;; so basically *respect* *bows* lolol XD
    jahhh me too XP tonight might end up being quite late... I just painted my toenails green. thought you might like to know... although it is quite insignificant.
    ummm... oh yeah I still haven't gotten around to replaying FF8 but I really want to. Today I had to help my friend with Assassin's creed, which is just sad (then again, she has to help me with Zelda games >________>) Tomorrow maybe I'll set up one of the old PS and bust out 8 XD
    what have you been playing recently?
    We haven't made many large moves here because: 1) Many of the members of G2 are part of the Nexus and 2) So far apart from a troll or two the members of G2 seem to be mostly civil.
    The Nexus exists to establish order and instill discipline by any means necessary. That entails rebelling against moderators who abuse their powers and dealing with the trolls with brute force if necessary. As a user-created authority on these forums, the Nexus Army is composed of pro-active users dedicated to maintaining peace and stability for everyone in the forums.
    I'm not familiar with Negima. We're not anti-spam per se, clearly many of the Nexus members mingle in the spam board here. Rather you might call us an anti-troll establishment or an equality taskforce. Getting right to the point there are a number of trolls and trouble-makers who inhabit the forums. Apart from [lexus] they haven't infected these forums to a great degree but it is only a matter of time. Trolls inhabit forums to plague people with taunts and cruelty for little other reason than to better their own station. What makes matters worse is when certain moderators (all the MF mods) not only condone this behavior but join in on it.
    I was kinda kidding. We just have a lot of fun in the IRC. don't be scared.

    EDIT: You like Ghost in the shell?
    ah me too. any favorite games for it? One of mine is Valkyria Chronicles, a great strategy game
    That would be great, just expand the game for the console and add more of a story, however flimsy. Then there could be a real online mode too. You have a PS3?
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