
finally.... the stock has arrived!! checking the list.... let's see.... 20 crates of Whiskey..... 20 crates of Vodka.... 10 crates of all kinds of Wine... 10 crates of beer... 10 crates of rum.... 10 crates Jack Daniels.... 10 crates of brandy.... 10 crates of gin... and 10 crates of Tequila and each crate contains 10 bottles.... nice.... and... uhh... a crate of human organs?? oh that's right.... have to make a delivery!! but first things first.. *put a list on the wall**Drinks price...Whiskey $10... Vodka $18... Wines $20... Beer $3.. Rum $20... Jack Daniels $15... Brandy $15... Gin $10... Tequila $20.. Soda $3... Milk $5... Water : Free**programming the automated barkeep* done.... now off to delivery *goes to smuggle a crate of human organs, 10 crates of AK-74, 10 crates of HE grenades, 5 crates of C4, 10 units of Stinger missile launcher, 10 units of RPG, and 10 crates of other contraband items* estimated clean revenue... $450000..
*a voice from a speaker from the bar* welcome pan.... whatever drink you want just talk to the automated barkeep.... i'm going to get me some money and spread some chaos....
*Alarm sounded in the bar and the bar is on complete lockdown then an automated sentry turret aims at pangary* Return the item you stole and you shall be released, failure to comply will results in a termination, on the extreme condition, this building will be rigged to blow....
Good thing i come back in time..... please don't messing around with the security here.... they're very....delicate... *catches the vodka bottle and put it back* and yes.... i'll destroy the building again and again if it's needed... with nuke if it's needed.... and do pay attention... the tracker bugs really works...oh well.... delivery succeed.... money's in hand.. *putting the $450000 in a solid metal safe* and cause quite a chaos.... gotta take a bath... that crate of human organ spilled blood everywhere.... *goes to the private chamber and leave everything to the automated barkeep and security*