Paranoia AG: Post-game discussion

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*Is getting dizzier and more paranoid with the increasing possibility of spyhood*
I really lost track of the faction stuff now. If the wiki is taken from fully, whoever are troubleshooters are ALSO part of a faction (which may also place them as spies for OTHER factions, which in turn installs them in yet ANOTHER faction...) and are unregistered Mutants. In this AG however, it's obvious that there are other kinds of people in the setting we got. Such as the High Programmers/Ultraviolets and possible simple workers.

I myself will have to really be careful of who to deal with? I must say though that this AG might be a kind where no one really takes the spots for good or bad. You know why? Despite the fact that the FC may be evil and insane, every player here is out to get everyone else! xD


Dead is the new alive.
"Also, in order to facilitate the elimination, all citizens except Critical Personnel have had their stored clones removed. Please refrain from destroying your current clone until the Emergency is over."[Summary]
-Many backup clones have died.
-Actions have been freed for the next 7 days. At this time the game will end regardless of who has achieved victory.

GM hints: The Archive will be very useful.
Does this mean that the Critical Personnel (The "High Programmers" ???) Still have all 6 of their clones? (so to simplify they have 6 lives? :/ or am I reading the Wiki wrong)

So basically, If we go by color code, the lower, red/yellow to green are goodies, and the more closer they get to ultraviolet the less trusted they can be? o3o
Agreed.... though then again everyone can have another faction their 'secretly' part of >___<

from the wiki
Missions can therefore turn into a comedy of errors as everyone on the team seeks to double-cross everyone else while keeping their own secrets. The game's manual encourages suspicion between players, offering several tips on how to make the gameplay as paranoid as possible.
LOL so even if you are from the same faction, you can't fully trust anyone xD paranoid indeed
Does this mean that the Critical Personnel (The "High Programmers" ???) Still have all 6 of their clones? (so to simplify they have 6 lives? :/ or am I reading the Wiki wrong)
Yes they do, but if you lynch them, both the clone and the real dude die.


Staff member
What i figured out is .There is a possibility that a "spy" exist in every "team ". But it is just a possiblity.

I am interested in 2 things. This :

So there is : clearance system based on colors of the visible spectrum which heavily restricts what the players can and cannot do; everything from corridors to food and equipment have security restrictions. The lowest rating is infrared but the lowest playable security clearance is red.
And this is also interesting :

Ultraviolet citizens are also referred to as "High Programmers". Higher level citizens, especially those of Blue and above, can demote and or even summarily execute lower level citizens.

Wiki says there is like...18 groups also. <.< wow..
so from what I have read....


and for the places or clearance are the colors too?

correct me if I'm wrong please.
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