Noblesse Discussion


Active Member

I didn't know you were a fan Auntie.

Btw, I'm currently hosting a tournament and it's Rai Vs. Alucard.

Actually, Alucard is raping Rai currently, at least, it's the vote~

So yeah, if you really are a fan, go to character vs. character section on MF and vote for your Noble. >XD

There is physically can't and like I promised I wouldn't.

They wouldn't throw the main character a super weapon if he wasn't going to use it at least eventually.

And seriously, when would he go around practicing with a weapon called the end of the world?
They wouldn't put it in if it wasn't going to be used.

There are plenty of other options of resolving the situation than inventing a super weapon.
They would put it in for the sake of the story, creating a wtf drama moment or just planting/harvesting moment like in the movies. I still that no one will use it, and if anyone is going to, it would be Regis.
Regis isn't cool enough. :/

I'm telling you its going to be used.

By Rai, and the chance increases the longer we don't see his soul weapon.

The Blood Power is just an ability right?

I'm out, way too late.

Yeah, whether its his bloodline or soul weapon that gives him the ability I do not know yet, but I say we will find out in the next chapters. The author is building up to a climax so I expect that a few answers will be revealed. Thought we must not forget that the doctor in the organization got Frakensteins old lab notes. When they return there will be a totally new rehashed story waiting for us :3


Active Member
Rozaria + Seira is pretty smexy. :3

A Witch vs. A Scyther (Pokemon. XD)

Now I'm looking forward to this fight:

The two ordered Nobles (Rajak and the other one) Vs. Franky! Woohoo~

I'm sure enough that Frankenstein won't let their ass laugh though~

And about the weapon, I'm guessing Rai can use it.

He just thinks that he can't for Ragnarok (is known) can be used by the nobles of a particular Bloodline, the previous Lord's most probably.