I confess.................

Oh, so in a way its your statement to the status quo yeah?

You don't want to belong because you would rather be the free spirit that you are and remain so.

I confess, that's admirable and so cool. Yummy.....


Colonel H Stinkmeaner
Hey hey Ziro, I confess there will be enough cookies for the house, and they're on me!!! :D

And thanks One Night :D I sure hope we do

I haven't seen you around btw, are you new?
I confess that im not new, neither here or on MF. Been a member of both for quite some time. I just don't spam too often. thats probably why you dont see me very often


Colonel H Stinkmeaner
Oh sorry, you were actually here longer than me. I confess, my bad One Night ^~^

Yeah I know, same here. Also everyone seems to put their gender as other or trap, WTF?!!

At least Kiyo showed his real self though, the ones that don't are really, really suspicious LOL
I confess I am pleased that One Night is a girl because I like Hot Nurses. I must confess that I have enjoyed the time here today, but sadly I must confess that I am signing off. I confess that I will get back on asap and give an accounting of my adventure tonight to Saru.

Good Night!
I confess, I'm going to be more cautious now and just call everyone dude until the trap is sprung through conversations and such.

I am not going to be fooled by some bloke pretending to be a girl.

Good night Ziro and have a bit o fun yeah? LOL. Take care of her.:D
I confess that i guess i'll you see around then. LOL hot nurses? xD

I also confess that maybe the trap option was a bad idea, even though its enjoyable at times LOL.


Colonel H Stinkmeaner
Oh I see, see ya Ziro, you sly ol' player... Have fun ^~^

And I confess, Avan Oneechan really confused me when it came to gender LMFAO

The hot nurse thing is Infinite's, well er... Obsession LOL

And yeah, I was really confused about what trap was at first ><;;
i confess that i don't blame you rofl. Im not too concerned about everyones gender.Even though, everyone's gender looks easy to guess o.o atleast a little.;;
I confess, the trap is really quite clever so the pedophiles can play a bit before they spring the trap on the unsuspecting victims. LOL

I confess, I have been on for too long and my typing hand is going away.
I confess that maybe you should stop typing and rest lawl xD atleast before your hands fall off

I also confess that i get being called a male often on the internet because of my taste in anime/manga/music and all that jazz. Is that a bad thing? LOL
I confess, that's not a bad thing. I think its quite cool that you have such strong tastes and conviction.

I confess, I'm going to have to go...sorry.

Its been a pleasure my dear One Night. Thank you for the chat. I'm quite sure I'll see you again. Ciao bella!


Colonel H Stinkmeaner
I confess, that is not a bad thing at all, One Night. Although some people might get annoyed when they find out your real gender lol

[quote name='InfiniteMonkey']I confess, the trap is really quite clever so the pedophiles can play a bit before they spring the trap on the unsuspecting victims. LOL[/quote]

Ouch.. But I confess, this is totally true, unfortunately ><;;