~Evil Inc.~


Visions of Hell
Sam walked towards the contraption and laid down on it. She shut her eyes.

The pain came completely unexpected. She had thought that if she rewired parts of her brain to feel pain as laughter hadnt worked. This was no physical pain, this was something more and it went much deeper then anything she ever felt before. Yet, she managed to keep silent during the whole experience. Sam had shut down the nerve controls to her voice and mouth area for the moment, making her incapable of any sound or mouth movement.

It ended just as unexpected as when it began. Sam opened her eyes and tried to look around, but her vision was blurry and her depth perception seemed to be off. She got up from the machine and stumbled towards the closest wall, and sat down.

'initiating self diagnostic protocols' a computer voice beamed in her mind. She waited.

'diagnostic complete - neural damage detected - initiating repair protocols'

It took the nanobots in Sams brain a few minutes to remove and replace all the damaged neural pathways and control centers. Finally, she had full control over her body again. Her vision became normal again she activated her mouth and voice nerves again. They had also been damaged during the process.

"I never imagined something could hurt more then almost dying." Sam finally said. "Now what was this good for?"
Aria was running towards the warehouse when she heard a shout, "Hey!" a voice called, "Do you need a ride?" She looked over her shoulder to see who had called her. It was one of the guys from before. "No thanks" she replied. The warehouse was close enough that she didn't need a lift. Aria didn't want them to think she was weak, especially after everything that had happened.


<img src="http://i1094.photobucket.com/albums/i456
Ahhh... Lexyn let out as she held her head and sat up, everything was dizzy and she almost fell as she got down on the floor. White dots kept on appearing before her eyes which only made her dizziness worse. She crouched and closed her eyes. Slowly the pain ceased and her mind became clearer as she heard something. The remaining sounds of the female whose mind had been destroyed and something very alike the sound of someone being cut. Or more like cut to pieces. Somehow those sounds made her calm and she could soon stand up.

She looked around but couldn't feel any different. Well, except that she could feel her clothes and where her hair fell down on her shoulders. Soon she also realised she could feel something crawling around her arms. Lifting her arms she saw it was covered with a strange black pattern. Frowning trying she tried to shake her arms and make it go away. It didn't help but rather the black just changed pattern and behaved like a sticky mass. It let go of her arm but got back on again causing her arms look like a black bubbling mass. She frowned more made a fast shake outwards with her arms, this time the black materia all moved to her hands and out from her fingers sharp knife-like things was shaped.

She smiled, maybe this was her power. To control this dark mass, now she only had to figure out what this mass was. Hahahaha... she laughed as she tried to make new shapes with the black stuff. First she made the sharp nails become long thin strings, and then she shaped two axes. She frowned slightly and concentrated, and the black stuff did what she asked for. It became a two slim gloves covering her whole arm.

Taking a deep breath she tried to image it going away, and as she opened her eyes she saw how it moved back into the shadows of her shirt. That's when she realised, it wasn't some black materia thing, it was shadows!

Now that she knew she tried to move the shadow around her feet. Shaping stuff first flat and then made it shape more 3D things, a globe, a pot, a knife and a spearlike thing. Lexyn grinned and looked at the people tied up. They are there to be used right? she asked Amy and pointed at the people.

Assuming she was right she moved to them and looked on them. Tied up like creatures with no worth, only here to be used as guinea pigs. She couldn’t care less and walked back and forth in front of them. And she could see the fear building up the more time she used to choose. They had seen her trying out her powers and now they knew she would try it out on them. She could see how they begged in their minds to not be the one to be chosen, to choose the person next to them. It was a fantastic feeling, she felt happy. Being able to hold a person’s life in her hand, to choose whenever they should live or die.

After having walked past them a few times she stopped in front of a boy. 14 or 15 years old. He looked like he would start crying and piss his pants any second. This would be her test subject. She smiled at him sweetly with cold eyes. Hello there, would you like to help me out? she asked him. He just stared at her, frighten. Answer me boy, would you like to help me? glancing at her feet she saw that her shadow was connected with his and she made a short spear show up that pierced his leg. He screamed. Yes… YES! I’ll help you he cried out. Good boy she answered still smiling.

Now that she had basic control over the shadows she made a number of thin wires stretch out from her hand. Without warning she made the wires become stiff and pierce the boy’s eyes. It really was a feeling like nothing before. Being in an ecstasy she used the shadows on her clothes to shoot out and pierce the boy’s chest. Then she let the shadows spread inside him, filling him up to the point of where his chest couldn’t take it anymore. The blood was everywhere but somehow the shadows had made a protective wall. No blood had reached her and as the wall disappeared back into the ground the blood followed. Before her was the slaughtered body of the boy dripping with blood and the ground was colored by his innards.

Did I do it right? she asked Amy.
forget the car, get inside! we'll leave this place he said and sighed before steve ran into the building STRIKER! gather the others and get down to the underground base, we're leaving The robot got up and started to beep loudly. It emitted activation signals for all the robots in the warehouse. Even things you wouldn't expect to be robots, actually were just that. The phone, the laptop, the tools, everything gathered and soon, there was an actual army of big and small robots gathered in the center of the warehouse. Steve pressed a button on the wall and the ground started to shake. The place the robots stood on was actually a giant lift! While the robots were slowly moving underground, steve stood next to the stairs that led down to the basement and waited for the people to see him get in here! he shouted with a wave and entered the basement..

amy stared at the cyborg girl Your human parts have changed. It's up to you to find out what actually changed inside of you, use these people over there She pointed towards them and looked at lexyn who was having fun with a small boy. She sighed yes.. good work.. Now let's see what little cyborg girl can d-what..?! the ground shook and amy nearly tripped don't tell me that he's actually planning to..?! just then, steve entered the room and looked at amy this place will soon be swarmed by cops, we have to use the underground base amy stared at him for a few seconds and walked up to him. She whispered You know that they are still going on a rampage down there! who knows if the base is still operating at all?! steve grinned at her no problem at all, it's their first mission, sweep the base clean so we can live in there he whispered back and waited for the others to follow..


Dead is the new alive.
Ezra was still having a strange ecstatic power trip when the ground below her shook. She looked up and saw Steve entering the room with a slight flustered look. But then he started grinning again, though that did not help falter her hesitation. Something was definitely up. She sheathed her katana again and threw it over her shoulder. “Hey you, What’s going on now?†She asked Steve.


"Forget the car! Get inside! We'll leave this place!" said Steve. Evanasia signaled to Satoru to get off, then turned to the left and parked his car out of sight of the police. I guess this should work as well, he thought as he ran into the warehouse. He saw the giant elevator, but what amazed him more was the sheer number of robots Steve had built, and all these robots were now making their way to the basement by giant elevator. Evanasia shook his head, then followed Steve down the stairs into the basement.


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Lexyn still had the feeling of beeing high when the room shook followed by Steve entering the room. Hmm, what's going on? she wondered and walked up to Steve. We're moving somewhere? she looked at up tye giant man and for the first time she could take a good look at him.
Apparently, Mr. Colossus wasn't only strong, he was good with machines as well. In fact, practically everything in the room was a robot, all of which had gathered to the center of the room. Then, the floor, where all the robots were, began to shake and move downwards. The man started to go down a set of stairs, where a strong smell of fresh blood was coming from. Curiosity took the best of Aria, and she followed the two men going down.

What she saw partially shocked her, but at the same time made her laugh. There was 4 other girls downstairs, most of which seemed to be covered in blood. 8 other people were tied up, and 2 more were already dead. It looked like those girls were the ones that did it. Not knowing what else to do, she decided to introduce herself. "Such a nice place you have here. My name's Aria, by the way"

(OOC: Such a fail into... >___>")
Following Enon's signal, Satoru quickly got out of the car, not wanting to get on the wrong side of the large man. He followed the man through the door and was engulfed in darkness.

As his eyes got accustomed to the dim light, he gasped at how enormous the warehouse seemed from inside. Outside, it looked like a normal, nondescript warehouse, but inside it was a gigantic room filled with machines and robots here and there.

Suddenly, the ground shook. Satoru nearly fell, but he ducked down to stabilize himself. Suddenly, he heard the large man shout, "Get in here!"

He looked up. The large man was pointing to a hole in the ground. As Satoru started running towards it, he realized that this hole was in fact an opening to a flight of stairs descending below the floor. The large man ran down the stairs, and Satoru followed suit, stopping for a few moments at the entrace of the stair to turn back and motion to Enon, who had just entered and was surveying the scene. Satoru ran down the stairs until he reached a doorway shrouded in a blue light. He walked through, shielding his eyes from the glare. What he saw next stunned him entirely.

A large machine stood in the center of the basement, emanating an eerie blue glow. In the corner, Satoru saw a few people, about ten of them, sitting on chairs, all tied up, some with blindfolds and gags on. They were trembling. Terrified. Satoru felt his heart go out to them. Beside them, a girl with purplish-grey hair stared at them, almost as if she was reading their minds. Blood was stained on her dark dress, and Satoru soon saw why. In front of her, the headless body of a woman sat, blood flowing from her neck. At the other end of the group of captive people, Satoru saw another girl with long black hair. She also had blood stained on her clothes, and her left thigh was dripping with blood from a gash. In front of her, the sliced-up body of a man lay. In another corner, Satoru saw the body of a young boy, his torso open and dripping with blood, the floor beneath him the colour of his innards. In front of him stood another girl, wearing vaguely Chinese clothes, shrouded in darkness and shadows that seemed to move on their own.

Satoru put his hand to his mouth in shock. As he surveyed the room again, he noticed that lying in a cleft of the machine was an older girl with long red hair. She seemed frozen in pain or shock.

As the large man walked away, Satoru saw the girl with sword look up and call out, "Hey you, what's going on now?" She girl shrouded in shadows began walking to the large man, asking him something.

Although he was downright horrified and disgusted at the gore in the room, Satoru felt that he had to make an introduction so as not to be rude. He slowly raised a hand.

"Uh, hello everyone?" he called out.

At the same time, the long-haired girl he had seen earlier called out, "Such a nice place you have here. My name's Aria, by the way."

He turned to face her and greeted, "Good afternoon, Aria. My name's Satoru. Satoru Nishimura."


(Oh, and I think we should sort out speech colours quickly before we all get confused.)


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Nevaeh was proud at herself for popping someone's head off and she felt like trying it again with someone else, but she doubted she was allowed to do that. She licked her lips tasting the blood of her victim and notcied she really enjoyed it. Some sick obsession I'm starting to get, she thought as she licked her hands so she could clean her face abit. The metal taste of it is just soothing. The floor started to move and Freedom went to stand in his defense pose. She heard Amy and Steve talk about an underground base and she got curious. She looked at her dog, maybe there are some more heads to pop down there?, she tought silently. Freedom,who apperently had heard it, barked in agreement so she walked towards Steve and Amy when she heard another girl enter. She introduced herself as Aria next to her stood a guy, the first guy that didn't look like a giant. "Uh hello there...have you come to enjoy the sights?" She giggled and wasn't planning on telling her name to anyone until she was sure she could trust these people and that there was no way they'd send her to her parents.

(OOC I'm not that much confused to be honest :/ what's the problem? And yeah we should point out what character has what colour >.< Oh lulu mind the rule that says atleast 3 lines >.<" sorry well you're forgiven as the previous post was super long lool)
Satoru saw the girl with long greyish hair approach him and Aria. Behind, a small dog followed her, barking.

"Uh hello there!" She introduced herself cheerfully. "Have you come to enjoy the sights?"

He smiled at her and repeated his introduction. "Hello. My name is Satoru Nishimura. And yours?"

(OOC: Meh I'm gonna sleep now so bye lol)


Dead is the new alive.
Ezra quipped her head towards the sound. It appeared Steve wasn’t alone. There were two guys with him, and another girl. The girl spoke first. Ezra snorted. Indeed what a perfect comment to make . She decided to indulge the girl, who seemed very unsure. Ezra didn’t like to hang around humans that were uncertain of themselves. “Ezra here†She said. The new boy also spoke which Naveah replied to. She didn’t really care for small talk. She wanted Steve to explain already.


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Nevaeh chuckled. "I know. You just said that, cutie, no need to repeat it. I'm not deaf. Anyways I think we're gonna discover a secret underground base! Isn't this like the best day ever?! Even Freedom is super excited all the time. Eh Freedom is my dog here. Oh and you better not hurt him, I just learnt how to pop heads. And I will pop yours if you hurt him" She winked and then went over to Steve and Amy and the stairways that just appeared. "We're gonna go down there?"

(OOC why did I make my chara such a blabbermouth >.>" just wait for it she's not gonna be able to keep her name asecret XD talkative girl~~~)
Satoru saw the other girl walk up.

"Ezra here," she greeted cooly.

"Good afternoon Ezra," he greeted back. "You've probably already heard my name, so yeah..." he added, scratching the back of his head.

The greyish-haired girl continued her cheerful overture.

"I know. You just said that, cutie, no need to repeat it," she started, and he blushed slightly at her calling him a 'cutie'. "I'm not deaf. Anyways I think we're gonna discover a secret underground base! Isn't this like the best day ever?!"

A secret underground base? "Sounds interesting," he agreed.

"Even Freedom is super excited all the time," she continued, then she seemed to realize something and she pointed at her dog. "Eh, Freedom is my dog here. Oh and you better not hurt him, I just learnt how to pop heads. And I will pop yours if you hurt him."

"Of course not," Satoru reassured her. He knelt down in front of the dog, looking at it in wonder. It was really cute. The dog stared at him with large eyes.

"Freedom, eh? That's a cool name for a dog," he remarked as he stood up again.

Steve looked at Lexyn and nodded yes, prepare for the worst. Nobody knows what happened down there while i was absent. We had to evacuate 3 months ago. He growled and clenched his fist. His eyes wandered around the new faces of his group. Satoru, his friend, aria and that other guy, get close to the machine and place your hands on the shining lights Steve ordered as he wanted them to get their powers as fast as possible. Amy frowned and stared at him wait, they didn't have to lay down on it? You told me last time that this was necessary She poked his chest and steve just touched her hand, gently pushing it aside i know, but i figured that it works that way as well. It might put a strain on the machine, but we need them to get their powers as fast as possible. You know what's going down there.. she nodded and stepped back very well then, i'll start the elevator She moved towards the stairs and touched the wall in a certain place. A part of it fell off and revealed a large red button. She placed her finger on it, but hesitated for a second before she pressed it. Meanwhile steve faced the others I know this is a bit fast, but you guys are going to fight for your lives now. These.. things down there are far worse than cops or guns.. They were dead but somehow, came back to life.. seems like it's some sort of virus or infections that reanimates the dead and they entered a permanent frenzy so.. make sure they don't get their body fluids on you in an way to prevent any infections. he sighed He already had to make them face the undead.. it was going to fast.. It seemed like he would have to deal with the greatest amount of them though.. They had exactly 5 minutes before they would reach the bottom..


<img src="http://i1094.photobucket.com/albums/i456
Seeing even more people enter just made Lexyn annoyed. That meant more names to learn so she just looked at the girl called Aria, the guy who had introduced him she didn't know how many times and the last guy. After a while she nodded at them, I'm Lexyn, don't get in the way or I'll just try my powers on you guys....

Zombies huh? she mumbled when she heard what Steve said. Sounds fun

(OOC, who the heck is in that room with them?! and if I missed anyone, sorry :|)
The guy from before, that had asked if she needed a lift, introduced himself as Satoru. "Nice to meet you as well" Aria answered back. The two, most blood splattered girls introduced themselves next. The girl with her dog, whom she named Freedom, didn't say her name, but greeted them rather warmly. The other girl, Ezra, on the other hand seemed to have some animosity towards Aria. "I'm Lexyn, don't get in the way or I'll try my powers on you..." was the next lovely hello. Aria was getting slightly annoyed at these people, but kept it carefully hidden.

"Satoru and his friend, aria and the other guy, get close to the machine and put your hands on the shineing lights" Mr. Colussus ordered. Aria did as she was told, a little apprehensive about what would happen, especially since he began arguing with another women about the machine...


Dead is the new alive.
Ezra growled lowly, she did not like to be ignored. And if there was one thing that would get you on her bad side it would certainly be ignoring her. She however gave up the notion to hold any grudges when Steve told them what was in store for them. “A zombie army is waiting for us?†She asked eyebrows raised and slightly higher octave than her usual voice. She was clearly excited to test her new skills. From the experience with the guy, she deduced she had enhanced speed. She wasn’t sure if she was also stronger than before, but that was something she would just need to figure out.

She looked back towards her thigh, now fully healed. She smirked. This was going to fun. She didn’t pay more attention to the new ones, whom had been introduced as Satoru and Aria respectively. The third guy didn’t speak yet, not that Ezra cared in the slightest.

(OOC: lolol my chara is kinad turning into a bitch now)


"Enon Nemus." was all that Evanasia said, listening to the chat going around. A while ago, he had entered into the basement lit by a blue light. He walked down the stairs into a basement. In the heart of the room was a machine that glowed brilliantly. He did not know what purpose it served, but it had to be important. Then he smelt it.

The scent of blood. The one and only. It was there, in the air, he could smell it. Evanasia turned his head to the left. He saw, in the corner, were people, sitting on chairs, about ten of them. If they weren't blindfolded, they were gagged up. He looked into their eyes, and sensed their horror. From here, Evanasia could see why though. A girl with purplish-grey hair stared at them, but her eyes told him she was in a trance. Blood was stained on her dark dress, presumably from that of the headless woman in front of her. Another woman stood in front of a body that had been sliced to pieces, with blood dripping from a wound in her thigh. She was holding the katana that had probably killed the man. Next, a girl shrouded in shadows and darkness, was standing in front of a young boy whose torso had been ripped open and his innards spilling out.

Evanasia, by now, had started to tremble a little. So this, is what I signed up for? Evanasia was not ready to kill. Not with his own hands, anyway. That was when the chatter started. Evanasia merely introduced himself with his fake name. He was not interested in talking at the moment. He then walked up to the machine, and placed his hand on the shining light, as Steve had instructed.


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Of course not," Satoru reassured her. He knelt down in front of the dog, looking at him like he had never seen a dog before. "Freedom, eh? That's a cool name for a dog," Nevaeh giggled she liked this guy and Freedom seemed to agree by wagging his tail. "He's a cutie huh? You're almost as cute!" She patted the head of Satoru at the same time she patted Freedom and grinned, then she focused her attention to Steve who started to explain something with a very serious tone of voice. I know this is a bit fast, but you guys are going to fight for your lives now. These.. things down there are far worse than cops or guns.. They were dead but somehow, came back to life.. seems like it's some sort of virus or infections that reanimates the dead and they entered a permanent frenzy so.. make sure they don't get their body fluids on you in an way to prevent any infections. Nevaeh sighed that meant no more blood to enjoy, only blood to get infected with.