~Evil Inc.~


Evanasia was once again, surprised by the resourcefulness of the other man. He had managed to find a solution to how they could track down the stolen police car. And yet, Evanasia was not comfortable with following the exact route the stolen car had taken. It would draw attention to their car, but since that was the only solution, he decided to take it.

"You can put your bicycle in the boot. There should be enough space." Evanasia said as he started up the car's engines. He waited for Satoru to get into the car, before stepping on the accelerator. As they drove, he wondered what the people in the stolen car were like, and what they wanted to do with this world.
As Satoru placed his bike into the boot, he marveled at how this man, probably around his age, was rich enough to own such a lavish car. Both of them got into the car and Enon drove off, making a right turn at the junction where they had met, and onto the road the cruiser had sped down.

They had been driving for about ten minutes, when suddenly Satoru spotted black tyre marks on the road.

"There," he called out. "The car probably made a left turn at that junction up ahead."

As they got closer, Satoru saw other indicative signs of the car's presence: the damaged wall of a building, some more tyre marks, and to his horror, the mangled bodies of a few pedestrians. He could smell smoke in the air. As the car turned at the junction, Satoru was shocked at what he saw.

Right in the middle of the road were a group of police cruisers, all on fire, some charred beyond recognition. His eyes widened.

"What could have done this?" he wondered aloud.


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Chills went down Nevaeh's spine as she heard Ezra scream. Seems like this might be painful was an understatement. She walked in picked up the now fainted girl and just placed her in a chair. Oh well it might be painful, if it would help a greater cause of a not boring world then why not? Besides she just claimed she could happily die now, so why not happily get hurt badly, huh? "Hmm my turn now?", she asked. "Freedom, stay put, no attacking nor peeing on anyone! Not even when they hurt me, got it?" Freedom bowed as to show he understood and Nevaeh send Freedom to sit next to the fainted girl. She then walked to the weird chair and laid down, taking her turn on the weird chair. Now I just hope its worth the trouble.

(btw >.>"not sure if she also needs to sit in the weird chair but please if she doesnt have just say that after she asked my turn now? and ignore the rest if she's guided to something else XD its weird for her to climb in the chairthingie when the robotgirl told her to do different XD)


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Lexyn glanced at the girl call Erza and studied her for a second before responding. I'm Lexyn, ... nice to meet you... she answered quietly. When Erza followed Amy she just stayed where she was and looked around in the big warehouse, then she Erza scream. What the heck?! she hurried down to the room with the machine and saw Erza fainted in a chair and another girl laying on some kinda machine.

For now she ignored the other girl and went to Erza, she checked her pulse slighty worried what had happened but was relieved when she could tell she really had only fainted.

What happened to her?
she asked Amy and glared at her.


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As Nevaeh heard the other girl approach she got up halfway. "She just got in this chair, then screamed and then fainted. Seems this chair is pretty painful, but don't worry she should be okay... Right?" she glanced at Amy. Amy just stood there with eyes that could kill. If it wasn't for Steve, she thought, they all would be dead already. She really was a woman she shouldnt be looking trouble with, but she couldn't help herself. "You didn't by any chance kill her off as she's threat for you getting big boy, huh?" She chuckled, but she was truly worried about the fainted girl. "How is she doing? Can you wake her up already?", she asked the girl she didn't know yet.

(My character seems to be very good in getting herself in trouble =.=")


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Glancing at the machine and then at Erza she still wondered what had happened. Then she looked at the girl in the machine. She's okay, fainted but okay... What is that for? she asked as she pointed slighty at the machine. And I'm not sure it's good to wake her up, I'll just let her wake up by herself for now, wouldn't want her to suddenly be woken up.

Lexyn looked around in the room and as her eyes passes Amy her eyes became cold and gave her a glare before letting her eyes continue. Once she had a pretty good idea of the room she switched her attention to Erza again. She lifted her eyelids to see if her eyes reacted at light.


Dead is the new alive.
It was as if she were inside a glass box or a puppet. Ezra could still very clearly hear what was going on around her, her body just didn’t want to cooperate with her. She tried with all her might to move a muscle, make a sound. All to no avail, and the voices were getting softer again. As if there was some static disturbance. She could only hear clippings and pieces. “uuhmmm†She groaned out softly. Suddenly there was a blinding light coming towards her eyes. She was finally gaining more control over her body.

Ezra firstly blinked her eyes a few times. Her whole body was still shaking, although she didn’t feel the pain anymore she could remember it clearly. And that felt like she was reliving the moments all over again. She took a deep, deep breath and put her elbows upon her knees whilst putting her head down. She needed a moment to recover. After that, she would do a survey on her body. Just a moment.
meanwhile, steve had taken a nice shower, got dressed and headed out again to go look at the chopper. someone actually destroyed it.. i really need to know who these people were.. maaaayybbee.. he looked up and saw a car coming straight towards his base. Steve frowned and took a closer look waaaiiit a second.. these guys.. they were supposed to help me as well! hey.. they had anything to do with each other, i never saw them together in the videos.. just what happened..? he simply moved into the middle of the road, walkign towards the car. He wanted them to stop, and he would make them stop, even if he had to use force.. that's just the way he is..

Amy sighed yes, your turn he glanced at the females. They all were no match for her. Why did steve need more people anyway..? they would be just fine by themselves.. she couldn't understand it, but she trusted him.. That girl's remark about amy being worried that they could snatch steve away made her snap. She smiled sweetly and pressed the button to start the process oh, did you say something..? i didn't hear you~ she giggled playfully and watched her as the immense pain was about to build up.. Being hit by a lightning was less painful than this.. Amy then faced the other one and placed her hand on her forehead as i already said, this machine weakens the natural limiter placed on human kind. It helps you unlock your true abilities. It's not fully developed though so it's not perfect. She walked up to one of the tied up people in the room and smirked at them hooh, i wonder who's going to be the first.. hey, fainted girl, get over here and test out your new abilities. amy said with an impatient tone. She really didn't like all these girls..


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Just as she checked Erza's eyes she woke up and let out a relieved sigh. Good, she's fine... she seems like she need to awake completly first tho...

Lexyn turned to Amy again, Is there any danger for us, except this pain I mean? she asked and followed Amy with her eyes as the girl moved to the tied up people. Tied up like targets. Lexyn smirked slightly as she slowly realised what was about to happen, and she liked it. Is there anything that deciedes what powers we will get? she asked Amy as she became more and more curious.


"Simple. Probably a huge fireball called a bomb."

Evanasia himself wondered what could have caused such destruction. This was not the doing of a human. Mangled bodies and tyre markings? Possible, but a bunch of reinforced police cruisers all on fire? Now that was just insane. Either the people they were going after were abnormal or they really were terrorists. Or both. He slowed down as doubt began to build in his mind. But his resolve won out.

As he turned another junction, he found that he was on a road that led to a dilapidated warehouse. He continued driving, then saw a giant man appear from inside the warehouse. The man noticed his car and stood in the middle of the road, ready to stop it. Evanasia voluntarily stepped on the brakes and stopped the car just in front of the man. He got off and said to the man, "Good afternoon. Did you see a stolen police cruiser go this way?"


Aria had just arrived in a new town, and began her usual routine. She began studying the people here, seeing how they acted so that she could become one of them. Not that it actually mattered whether she did or not, it was just made her less noticeable. She walked into a store nearby, and found more suitable clothing. They were similar enough to what she was wearing that she just had to change and walk out the store. No need to pay.

She walked out the store, and witnessed two police cars being blown up. Everything was in ruins, sirens were wailing, and several firetrucks were arriving on the scene. "Just when I was going to go explore too.. But I can't risk being caught right now..." she sighed, relunctanly walking away from the catastrophe. 'At least this town seems to be more exciting then the last one,' she thought.
Oh boy. Oh Boy! I am late! said Edward as he rushed out of his house. He grabbed his bicycle and began to move towards where he was working: a company that made chemical products to preserve the food: GOOD food Inc. He smiled at how sunny the day was and how it was going to be a nice adventure. On his back a guitar was strapped, since he couldn't let it back at home. He was moving down the streets, when his bike hit a stone on the ground and he fell. The guitar bwas not touched and his knee a bit scratched, but his bike had fallen into the street. When he was about to pick it up, a truck ran over it and destroyed his precious vehicle. Oh snap....!
Satoru was terrified. He had seen the large man on the television, but he was even larger in person. He towered above the two of them in the car. As Enon unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car, Satoru followed suit, carrying his haversack with him.

The two approached the large man. His large frame cast a shadow over them both. Staring at the silhouette of the man and his angry face, Satoru could not help but take a few steps back. Enon however approached the man cooly, and Satoru wondered how he could be so calm in such a situation.

"Good afternoon," Enon greeted the man. "Did you see a stolen police cruiser go this way?"

Satoru leaned to the right and spotted the topless police cruiser behind the man, parked outside what Satoru presumed to be his abode. He pointed to it and said to Enon, "It's there."

As he turned to look at Enon, his eyes passed the penetrating stare of the large man. Enon had already given his greetings, so Satoru thought it fit to give his as well. He spoke, his voice wavering.

"G-good afternoon, sir."

great, one of them had guts, the other one was obviously scared.. steve sighed deeply hey... because i've explained it thoroughly to like, 5 people, you're going to get the short version. The name's steve and i wanna change this world into what it used to be and YOU TWO are going to help me he moved closer to the scared one and bowed down, placing his own face right in front of the guy's do i smell.. fear..? a large, evil grin formed on his face after this line, while he was staring right into the boy's eyes. Fear is for weaklings, get rid of it. his eyes moved towards their vehicle. The stolen police car would attract unnecessary attention. That was when he suddenly realized that he actually had to hide it.. Steve would wait for their answer though before he would do it..

Amy eyed the waaaay too curious girl if this would've been the prototype, you would all be dead by now. Put another way, no. It's not dangerous, at least not much a playful, dangerous smiled formed on her lips and amy turned around again, looking at the one who was sitting on the machine it varies from person to person. I've already seen people control fire or gain the ability to use psychokinesis. There also was one guy who gained inhuman speed and strength.. the downside..? he went nuts. Steve was forced to pummel the s*** outta him. If you look closely, you can still see where steve pounded his head into the wall. She pointed with her thumb towards the wall behind her. There was a large tear in it and it was covered with blood.. it also looked rather fresh..
The boy sighed as he walked down the street. Holly Molly Cows...I lost my vehicle. Well, I still can walk to my job. He said with a cheekily smile as he was walking the street and tripped with a guy, hurting his ankle. Looks like today is not my lucky day! He said witha slight smile as he began to walk slowly to the subway.I guess I will have to use the subway then... As he was going down, he noticed that he didn't have enough money for the ride. I'll play my guitar for money! He said as he sat down in the ground and played his guitar. He was having a great rock tune, whereas the people going by said it was to awful or too loud or not so pop, so he did not receive any coins at all. At the same time, a suited person came and was about to giver him money, but his strings broke...


As Aria was walking, she noticed a car had stopped and was talking to a guy that seemed rather scary. He towered over the two, making them seem short in comparison. 'Interesting,' she thought, 'Maybe I'll stay a while and see what this was all about. She walked over, not close enough for them to notice, just enough to see the scene unfold.
"Fear is for weaklings. Get rid of it."

The words struck Satoru like a hammer. Weaklings weren't weak because of fate. They were weak because they didn't try hard enough to be strong. Satoru hated those who didn't try their best at what they did, because by doing so they were cheating their own feelings. If being afraid meant that he wasn't trying hard enough, then he would try his hardest to be brave and courageous.

A determined look came across his face, and although he wasn't fully confident of himself yet, he looked up at the large man, eyes burning with determination.

"I'm not afraid, sir," he said loudly and clearly.


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Hearing about the machine Lexyn lifted an eyebrow. So you had someone try it before us? .... Lovey.... she said and looked at the tear. Blood everywhere. She didn't care much about that being used to living in the forest but she was slighty annoyed at the fact the machine still posed such danger. Well, I hope you know what you're doing... she sat down leaning at the wall and waited for her turn.
Steve laughed now look at our little soldier here. That change of heart was pretty fast, aye..? Let's hope it won't change back again~ he grinned and looked at the car again and then back at the police car with the torn off roof he hijacked earlier if you're going to accept helping me, get into the car and follow me, i'll dispose of the evidence over there he pointed at the police car and simply walked towards it. Once he was there, steve grabbed the front and back side of it and lifted it up. His already pumped up muscles seemed like they were about to explode when he started to squeeze it. He flattened it completely and then started to fold it like it was some sheet of paper. It made painful screeching noises, but it seemed like it wasn't bothering him at all. When he finished, it was nothing more but a football sized piece of metal..

yes, we had to make sure that possible suitors, i still can't understand why he chose you gals, won't be harmed, so we had to test it out a few times.. we had 46 dead people, 10 successes, who went nuts, and one full success who ran away.. we still have to locate and destroy him. Even if his abilities were minor. By the way, that will be your first mission. Once you all get your powers, you'll hunt this guy down. she shrugged, stretched and yawned, waiting for the process to finish
He sulked at his day of bad luck. That was when he heard a screeching noise. He stood up and began to walk towards the noise, while bumping into a suited person. As they bumped, he placed his hand inside the man's pocket and took a few dimes out of it. He felt wrong, but was happy. I am sorry He said to them and bowed at them and began to run. He finally was able to see a guy folding a police car. He was amused, but smiled. You seem to be strong... He laughed at the situation that he was seeing, just as if it was a dream