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  • Lol aan jouw kant misschien wel, maar ik heb ouders die willen slapen en niet kunnen slapen als ik nog beneden achter de computer zit (ze horen me namelijk omhoog komen en dan worden ze weer wakker en kunnen ze de slaap niet meer vatten) :sigh:
    Maar jaa inderdaad het is weekend~~~~~ 8D
    Lol lol lol somethng to be proud of right XD I had that a couple of weeks ago 8D and then in the Spam and Games section I had all the latest posts on the first page eheheh :p I was bored~~ Ik ben ook een hyperposter maar lol ik heb niet te veel vrije tijd helaas XD
    Hmm, I'm not sure how to feel about that connection but Communism does indeed have it's benefits. The general make-up of most forums is monarchist in many ways. Mods look at themselves as some warped formed of royalty. The Nexus believes that the power is in the hands of the users. I suppose there is a Communist stint to that.
    Pfft, yeah right! XD Lol actief ben ik inderdaad ^^" hoewel ik dit weekend toch echt wat meer moet uploaden en wat neiws artiekelen moet maken ^^" HAah ik ben alleen maar heel erg moe XD hele dag school en daarna tot kwart voor negen werk! XD Maar goed ik heb in ieder geval geen hoofdpijn nu dus dat is al een verbetering tov gisteren :D
    The Nexus is an organization founded by Pimp and ZERO PHOENIX to combat trolls and flamers on Mangafox. Led by ZERO PHOENIX, the army consists of many individuals ranging from your average joe to the intellectual elite. We are all from different walks of life and we each have our own ideals, but the single thread connecting all of us is our aim to maintain peace and civility in the forums. We do this by endorsing civility, discipline, honor, and dignity and we teach others to follow in our footsteps. When peace and civility is not an option, usually when trolls show up, we destroy them with brute force in order to retore order. The members of the Nexus do not take orders from mods. The Nexus takes orders from ZERO PHOENIX who encourages each member to contribute to the mission with their own individual thought processes and ideals. You might say that I both lead and follow my men.
    Hmhm I'm done around 8 pm ^^ so I'll be back in like 4hours from now ^^ I'll try to make that rp post first ;)
    Yup I got it, you don't want other people to know? Thanks for the trust then *_*

    Ahaha well I guess she'll just stick with calling your chara her shadow XD cant go make it harder for myself to come-up with a fitting name XD Shadow Wodahs <- lol pulling the same trick as with my chara's name XD Wodahs sjut really not it XD Dark Krad <-- lol that's from DNAngel !!! XD cant steal that. XD Evil Live <-- whaha oh that's a funny one XD yeah well I'll just stick with the Lil Shadow XD
    Oh wow how come?

    I do a school that like gives up 50 questions per lesson *sadface* that's a real lot XD

    btw I'm gonna name your character something, lol do you have anything in mind or can my chara just give you a random name XD meaning I hav to come up with a name loool.
    OOOOHH and... what's your name O_O lol now I feel stupid for not asking htat before >.>" eh unles syou prefer not to tell ofcourse.
    *pats* I know the feeling and you just reminded me I still hve to do some mountain of homework for Physics OTL and read lots for biology tomorrow *sigh* WEll atleast I dont have to work till tuesday ^^"
    Lol Haaaii
    I still have a headache ><" and my internet is being VERY annoying by dissapearing.. a REAL lot *sigh*
    BUt.. how's you :D
    Lol lol I finished watching and I loved it but I think I'm gonna go to bed now >< no offense it was a thrill talking to you (or more like to discover I might actually already have met you) but My headache is only getting worse and I've got school again tomorrow *sigh*
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