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  • Either that or by breaking into goverment buildings and finding documents or something, I dunno many things you could do.
    Edited it..

    And good question. Quite possibly by something Giorno said to him upon his death.
    Uh, I gotta re edit my dude, so uh, if I think of anything in terms of evolving ill let you know. I have on idea but thats about it, dont know how many evolutions there will be.
    Ah alright makes sense.

    And WAIT what the hell I didnt know G2 had a file upload!?
    Nope, I'm only on MSN because everyone else is using it. I never had any reason to install anything else. If you dislike it, you can use such thinks like ebuddy or trillian, I saw others using it and it works.
    Not really. Anything that could let you communicate with MSN users, even those browser messengers I guess, but then I wouldn't be able to catch you. Why not install it? we all use MSN here.
    Well, just post that you'd want to join in the Hiring thread and later catch me on MSN. Just so you'd know, I'd like that you'd make some normal posts once in a while too, not only weeklies, okays?
    o-o but what about the others there im kind of waiting for them to do their move. And you can jump out of her arms you know <.< it's not like she has a hand around the cats neck
    Oh, and before I forget:

    "Hello, my name is Inigo Deltoia, you killed my father, prepare to die." Rofl. (Look up Amingo Montoya on Youtube if you don't get it.)
    4 minutes may be an exaggeration. Like me, he isn't the kind of guy who is as active around the forum as, say, you. XD Rest assured, Cronic will come when needed.
    Let's see, looking at CoSR, see if I can't join that, and waiting to get home. Since, I won't be home until 3 my time, (Which is close to 9 or 10 your time) You may have to wait until tomorrow before you see it.
    NO not exactly like them OTL I mean look like them. But htem like a completle black skin or no hair but whatever.. but you know that she can somehow recognize them XD
    But uhm me and my dad are gonna watch a movie :D
    Hmhm I think I want it to be a a K or an M, hm so bound to an object or having multiple froms ^^" an object it could be somethng that once belonged to her brother, and multiple forms then it could change into several people she cares about. Something to keep her uhm mentally stable.

    but brb
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