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  • I could.. Especially since I am in the city of my namesake and it feels perfectly natural. People yelling at each other, nearly running over pedestrians with their vespas, drinking lemon liqueur... The only problem is that the unemployment rate is around 30%!
    Oh, faux angel and i are planning a special tryst with you and noex tonight at the natural history museum in DC. There will be faux angel/me action along with mint ice cream...it was all her idea, I think she is plotting to kill me and take noex for her own. >_>"
    Good. Vacation means getting drunk at lunch. I think I want to move here. How is modding going?
    That old pervert looks suspiciously like my dad, and also he used to play me that boardwalk song =______='' so now I have weird images in my head.
    anyway, how's it going?
    Where did the love go? Mh? Oh and btw. Thnx you. For making nice comments for my articles. <3 It did boost up my moral when it was down. A few times. So i appiciate it a lot.. <3
    Lol, kk 8D If there's any you find that aren't used/haven't been used, you should post them ^^
    .___________________. ok then, kidnap moi and run off with her, leaving noex with me? : D CAPTIAL IDEA MATE!! :hohoho:
    :/ but i dont want a threeway with u @___@ D< :sigh:

    D< so stick to the plan!!!! geeez :mad :
    yay : D so you lure moi in, and i go for the kill :*_*:
    then you hide the evidence:smart:

    and i run off with noex :*blush:
    Is there a way to check how much I've used o.o? I think a guy said that I would have to get a My Verizon Account, but I'm iffy about some of the info it ask... Not sure how safe my compy is when putting personal info like htat..
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