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  • Congressmen/congresswomen, mayors, the governor, and of course the banks. A lot of other little corporations here and there like those that do marketing, PR, and stuff but the banks tend to poney over the most cash.
    lol i like chocolate! ... i jus like oatmeal raisin more :3

    i had several actually "scared"
    but nope, not anymore
    Insane... awesome =w= haha xD
    Ahhh im sorry xD dont worry about it either. Im 17 yrs old ^^ so its okay to use 반말 ^^ (Sorry if im incorrect. korean spelling sucks hehe )
    ^^ well i dont really care about that.... ^^ just nice seeing another Korean! idk... i never seem to meet koreans? (:

    Hmmmm Maybe once or twice, not the forums... just the discussion threads i think.
    Haha its okay, i recognise ur name xD
    감사합니다~ 어...... 선배? 언니? 오빠? ^^;; ㅋㅋㅋㅋ, sounds kinda random LOL xD Just 인새인? ^^
    *noms* lol i prefer oatmeal raisin cookies ._.


    its going rather well o-o .... im meeting lots of new ppl cuz of nexus
    Sorry for the late reply. In addition to the regular news stuff you expect a magazine to cover, we do special events across the state, community outreach, golf outings, you know, stuff to please the suits and pimp them for more cash. Business.
    LOL hi Inzane, insane... something like that xDDD
    dude, south korea forever..안녕하새요...
    Nice to meet you man.... ^^
    LOL, ok. XD
    Hmm, to vietnam yes, to china no, my dad refuses to go there, lol, and france, no but I wish! :3
    How about you? XD
    Yes it does~ XD
    LOL, yep, as I said, nothing interesting, besides the fact that it was the only state to once be a country..... :3
    Journalism, but due to the nature of our office I have other jobs that fall under my hat. Updating the website, maintaining our databases, communicating with these corporate suits, and so forth.
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