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  • ohhh man well i hop eshe feels better soon u know and im sure that u are sad rite now to rite my hero:(
    well take good care of her my hero:)
    ohhh and she is all alnow that is not rite my hero:( y did u tell her that u could have lent her ur hand and talked to her u know:( but i understand ur reasons and i support u my hero i just hope that she realizes that u were nor serious and she feel better and stuff
    what did u tell her my hero and y would u do that y my hero y? im telling u that hatred is way worse than sadness it makes u feel more pain and stuff
    noooo my hero u can't get use to that ur a hero ur a herooooo
    and its not ok to be hated my hero i will not allow u to be hated by others my hero i wont hahah:)
    Skipp the royal formality's, I am not into those >-<

    Nice to meet you though, Shin!
    nope my hero hatred its worse than sadness it consumes u with horrible thoughts and feelings her sadness will go away as the time passes she will realize that its not ur fault u will see my hero:)
    no my hero hatred is not good it never leads to anywhere good she has to understand that it was not ur fault even though u thought ur students to help those in need it was his decision he knew that it was the correct thing to do others could have learned the same thing and would have done nothing and let that child die my hero
    ur welcome my hero haha:) y do u think she hates u my hero and its not ur fault really:)
    but im sure she will understand that her brother did it out of his kindness and he would have done it ether way because he's a good person and he saved a life
    don't worry about it my hero u know u can talk to me if u need to i don't mind listening and talking to u about it if u need it:)
    ohh my hero that is not ur fault he saved that child because he knew that it was the right thing to do. its like u, u dont think before u act u just do it he died doing the rite thing and he died as a hero rite:) im sure he would have saved that child even without ur teachings
    I thought you got mad at me. Cos of my post.

    I didn't mean to offend you if i did. <.< Really.
    And i think i ll like debating with you . =)
    It's true that Kaze-dono is around and he is quite formidable but I've no interest in revisiting the same discussions we had on mangafox.
    Wastes of time for the most part. My general experience is that most members tend to regurgitate the same arguments over and over, never paying attention to the fact that their arguments have been debunked on an elementary basis. [lexus] is a perfect example of that. By extension of that I don't enter the debating arena much for three reasons: 1) No challenge 2) It's a waste of time. 3) Most people aren't interested in learning they just want to vomit their baseless opinions - while I might have the time for such things I feel no inclination to waste it and my tolerance is in considerably shorter supply these days.
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