Wolf Mountain OOC + Sign UP


Staff member
Yeah, I intend for it to serve as comic relief, more or less.
Fine. ;)

lol I apologize for that long post~ I hadnt been able to reply for a while ;c
Im sure I forgot something in between there to 'respond' to

sorry for that D:
Lily don't worry. But can you make the text a bit bigger..? And don't worry if your post is long. ;) I am sure no one will mind .

[MENTION=166]Lily[/MENTION] [MENTION=55]Hadriel[/MENTION] [MENTION=50]Crestham[/MENTION] [MENTION=1219]Diva Elly[/MENTION] [MENTION=60]HappyNisa[/MENTION][MENTION=1218]The Jest[/MENTION] [MENTION=1359]Cronic Crystalis[/MENTION] [MENTION=1300]Chimer[/MENTION] [MENTION=7]VivaLaDementia[/MENTION] [MENTION=92]Lovely.[/MENTION] post please.

Vivi : <33333333 i know you are busy with Ag. So you are forgiven. :p


Staff member
Really? Awz.Guys. I know how you feel. I need the reactions of people. In oder for this to continue. Cos we are on the same spot in the rp for days now. <.<


Staff member
Fine guys. Just remember. <.< Don't let me wait for too long unless you want 10 mentions a day in your vm. <3 ;) I can be quite ebil. When impatient.

The Jest

Beneath the Mask...
Now for another character:

Name: Red "the Alternate" Fortinbras Sabath
Age: An eternity has passed since his creation.
Species: Deity/Essense of Eternal Life (And before you claim it God-modded: 1, He has semi-immortality himself, and can only give semi-immortality, 2, he can resurrect/reincarnate others but only once per person)
Creature: Alternate Being (A species shifter that can change his species but has the physical red-and-black traits. (For those who watch teen titans, think a red and black Beast Boy)
Weapon: Two scimitars known as Crimson Destruction.
Reason for coming to Wolf Mountain: To watch his apprentice, Tanryx, as he trains. Also, he has known about Wolf Mountain for some time, as such, he's interested to see the outcome of this upcoming war.
Bio: For this and other details, check his bio in the Characcter chest of Adventure Land

The corneas (Whites of his eyes) are black.


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Staff member
Awwn >< but Lily I'm affraid.. I won't put up a post till tomorrow or I'll put up a crappy post today as I... Didn't sleep last night... and I tried to sleep a couple of hours ago.. but then I had to get stuff for dinner . and then I still haven't slept,and yeah I need concentration and a brain to write an rp post T__T very sorry Lily D: You can control Violet if you really want to post, I dont mind lol I fully entrust my chara with you XD Just keep remembering she's OVERprotective of your chara and she suspects EVERYONE. lol I've started to wonder if it's even possible to really earn her trust XD