~Evil Inc.~


Aria was quite shocked at how powerful the man was, he was able to flatten out a car without much effort at all. 'Impressive,' she thought. As this was happening, she noticed a guy with a guitar. He was running toward the scene, bumped into group of people, and stole some money before continuing. "Well, well, seems that I'm not the only one who likes to break rules." Aria had decided to follow the guy, to see what he was up to, since she had nothing better to do...


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Nevaeh knew it was a bad idea to make the Amy mad. And she bit her lips not to scream when she turned on the machine, causing her lip to bleed afterwards. It hurt so much she was amazed she didnt eat her whole lip up. Unlike the other girl though, Nevaeh was able to stand up and not faint. But her head felt like it was exploding. "Just what the hell did that thing do to me? Unlock my powers, pff I feel no different, except for this major headache that is. Think I'm a failure... Should I get in again?" Nevaeh chuckled though she stopped when she noticed she started to become dizzy because of that. "Scrap that I lost my ability to laugh...Ugh" She held her hand against her head. Freedom gave a short bark, asking premission to move. "Oh come here..." She made Freedom come to her and she petted him when all of a sudden she heard Freedom barf without him moving his mouth. "Ehh is it normal that I can hear my dog barf? Oh my I must be a failure that even goes nuts. I can clearly hear my dog barf while he's quiet. Don't tell me that's my natural unlocked power. That's lousy..."
i read an increase in your brainwaves. So you're a mind based minion. Interesting. amy ignored everything she said in the beginning, but when she mentioned something about her dog barking she frowned mind reading..? she scanned her again and shrugged hey, you girl, try focusing on one of the people there. Concentrate and think only about the one you choose. Since your power are still new to you, you might unleash them by accident, go ahead she stared at her indifferently. She had to learn to at least tolerate them, or else steve would be mad and then SHE would be on the receiving end. This only happened once and took steve around 2 months of reparations on her. You there, that other girl she said, pointing at lexyn get on the machine, you're next

he turned around and looked at the guy who talked to him. Steve frowned. Just what was going on? one person after another, he found all the people he chose. Was that a sign? Did the world yearn for all of this to end..? Nobody knows, but steve grasped this opportunity i might. I also just realized that you are one of the people i'm seeking. You're going to help me... aww man, again gotta explain everything. Weeell.. blah blah world sucks as it is blah blah wanna change it blah blah gonna destroy it blah and you gonna help. 'Kay? he stared at the new guy, still slightly surprised by the fact that they simply walked up to him..


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Glancing at the girl who just had gotten of the machine Lexyn stood up. The other girl seemed dizzy but fine so she ignored her and got on the machine. It was uncomfortable and she sighed as she tried to make it comfortable.

So, you gonna start this or not? she relaxed and empitied her mind, hoping it could relieve the pain that was certain to hit her.


Maybe I should just introduce myself, she thought. That's when she heard a voice, "Hey, you there, do you know anything about what happened here?" asked a uniformed man from behind. Aria, surprised, jumped, "Oh, great, the police. " This is getting rather troublesome... Guess I should at least have some fun, Aria smiled. ""What would you do if I did?" she asked, taunting him. He seemed unable to get her joke, and ended up thinking that she was the perpetrator. "I don't know what your up to, but your coming with me." he said. The policeman grabbed Aria as he reached for his handcuffs. She pulled out her sword, "And why should I do what you say?" She lightly stabbed him before running off. The man fell to his knees, bleeding. "Sorry, but you went a bit too far, be glad I didn't kill you!" The policeman began radioing for backup.

Guess this wasn't the best idea that she ever had. She might as well say hello now. Hey, over there! You guys might want to get out of here, reinforcements are coming real soon. I'm sure you don't want to be here when they arrive either!


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"Mindreading?", Nevaeh repeated. "Uhh..." She looked at the people tied up at their chairs shivering from top till toe. Who to pick, who to pick....who will have the most interesting thoughts? She looked at every person on it's own. Nobody really caught her attention so she just picked the last person. She went to stand right in front of the person and looked at her... after a minute she got bored. "Say isn't there a tutorial on how to read minds?" She shrugged and then went back to stare again. Tell me your thoughts, what do you think All of a sudden it was like something openend her ears. She heard the woman infront of her cry and yell and say think in fear. but when she smiled at her triumpf the thoughts went away and she had to start all over again. It was funny how scared the woman was of her. It felt terribly good. She heard the woman wonder what Nevaeh did to her untill she started to groan out loud only thinking: 'my head, my head' She even started to scream, but Nevaeh got in to a trance and she couldn't help herself but wanting more, hearing her scream more.
Steve heard fast footsteps behind him and turned around.. He saw a police man on knees. He was bleeding and actually speaking to his fellow policemen sh**, can't have more of them coming he looked at the piece of metal he held and without a second thought, flung it towards the guy. While his lower body remained where it was, his torso landed on the ground a few meters further away.. HEY GIRL! YOU DID THAT, DIDN'T YOU?! he shouted towards the girl with the blade if you wanna hide, follow me! (meaning Spring) you guys in the car as well! (meaning hadriel and crestham) and you too! (meaning wolf) he pointed at the people and started to move pretty fast towards the warehouse.. the Police was SO close to his base, it was a disaster. Seems like i'll have to go underground after this.. But it's not even finished he muttered to himself with a sigh

Amy saw the progress the girl made and sighed. She was glad that she was a machine, thus making it impossible for nevaeh to read her mind nope, there isn't. Figure it out yourself, girl She found that girl's powers boring till now. Amy expected something more interesting.. a more offensive ability...


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Nevaeh didn't even hear the reply of Amy she was obsorbed by the mind of the female human infront of her. She could hear every groan and every scream. She could she the veins of the woman pumping visably on the woman's skull. She had no idea how she was inflicting pain on this woman but she wanted to hurt her even more. She even started to hear vague memories of the woman, children's voices. she pictured dead babies and tried to show her. It seemed to have worked as the woman now seemed to think: 'my babies, not my babies' Pain, feel more pain, more... scream for me... The woman's cry got higher and she even fell moving to much in the chair. Nevaeh grabbed the chair, put her straight up and looked deeply in the eyes of the woman, to see pain and suffering. Nevaeh's heart started to pump with anticipation. The head of the woman got red and even more red until her veins had popped and she actually started to bleed her and there. The eyes of the woman started to roll untill... Nevaeh was covered with blood. She got out of her trance and looked suprised at the body infront of her. "Eh, where did her head go?" She was completly dazed staring at the corpse without a head, hearing soft whispers of panicked thoughts of the other subjects.


Visions of Hell
Sam had been standing in a corner quietly observing the others get in the chair while. It seemed to hurt...a lot. "Hehehe" she laughed quietly to herself as the next girl was desperately trying not to scream.

Sam walked from the corner, ready to go next when the previous girl was done. She wanted to see what would happen, where it would lead her too. But before they started, she had to do something, show her superiority over the others, show that she was stronger then the others. By feeling no pain. She closed her eyes, and rewrote certain lines in her software, as well as rerouting certain nerves to other parts of the brain. This could end up being fun.

"Alright, me next!"


Shocked, but at the same time amused, she watch what happened to the man she had just stabbed. She didn't mean for him to die, but at least it was a fast death, she consoled herself. HEY GIRL! YOU DID THAT, DIDN'T YOU?! If you wanna hide, follow me! The shout pulled her back to reality. Aria did as she was told, not giving it a second's thought. The police were coming and getting caught was the last thing she wanted.
Amy blinked a few times seems like you aren't as useless as i expected you to be. Congratulations.. girl.. she hissed and looked at the mess. Of course, she would have to clean up later.. amy went towards the device and looked at Lexyn since you already laid down.. why not without hesitation, she started the machine and waited. One of the girls was disturbing her though, the one wanting to be next.. Amy blinked a few times you.. you're not completely human.. right..? are you.. a cyborg..? she asked her and frowned, there were parts of her that weren't human at all.. she localized the existence of several machines inside of her.. Too many of them nanobots..? amy thought while staring at her..
Yeah, why not? I've been having bad luck all day, so why I won't take this opportunity He said as he approached the man. Then, he saw he went off running when the police came towards then. Meh He said as he began to follow him. By the way, I am Edward Wolf. You can just call me Wolf He said as he began to dash to the warehouse. Or Bloody Wolf. Yeah, Bloody Wolf EH smiled, cause he liked the nickname, not knowing that it was fate that he would become a person who would manipulate his own blood
Yeah, why not? I've been having bad luck all day, so why I won't take this opportunity He said as he approached the man. Then, he saw he went off running when the police came towards then. Meh He said as he began to follow him. By the way, I am Edward Wolf. You can just call me Wolf He said as he began to dash to the warehouse. Or Bloody Wolf. Yeah, Bloody Wolf EH smiled, cause he liked the nickname, not knowing that it was fate that he would become a person who would manipulate his own blood


Visions of Hell
"you.. you're not completely human.. right..? are you.. a cyborg..?"

Sam looked up at the girl standing next to the device. Sam smiled to her, while quickly going through her options. She had done a thorough scan of the area for anything potentially hackable or other electronic machinery. Yet she hadnt detected Amy as anything special. She looked like a normal human. Interesting, and a potential threat. Sam had to make sure not to get on her bad side, or she wouldnt stand a chance.

"Yes, I am a cyborg" Sam answered, while spending 0,5 seconds cursing herself for revealing that to everyone in the room. She had hoped to keep it a secret for as long as possible, allowing her to keep the advantage. Still, this was for now the best action she could pursue.


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Lexyn groaned as the pain started but kept herself as relaxed as possible, and it seemed to help so she placed herself in a state close to sleep. Something she had learned on her trips in the forest. She could feel the energy and pain pass through her but the longer it kept going the less she could keep it out. She knew she would become very tired if she kept on trying to relax so she stopped. And the pain hit her within seconds. She clenched her fists and held in a scream while the pain made her feel like her head was being crushed.
The large man let out a loud guffaw.

"Now look at our little soldier here," he replied. "That change of heart was pretty fast, aye..? Let's hope it won't change back again~"

With that, he turned around and made his way to the police cruiser behind him. As he did so, he instructed both of them, "If you're going to accept helping me, get into the car and follow me. I'll dispose of the evidence over there."

He grabbed the large police cruiser and lifted it easily with his arms. Slowly, he pressed on it, seeing it compress and shrink, almost like an aluminium can. Satoru was startled by his sheer strength. In the distance, he hear someone else laugh and call out, "You seem to be strong!"

The large man turned towards the source of the laugh, as did Satoru. Satoru saw another man, roughly the same age as him as well. The large man began walking to the other, the crushediup police cruiser still in his hands, not resembling a football.

From the distance, Satoru couldn't hear what they were saying, but the large man seemed to be giving the other man a proposition. He heard the car door open. Enon was getting in. He followed suit, looking at the exchange between the two men in the distance as he did so. Suddenly, he heard the pained shout of a policeman, and the sound of hurried footsteps. He turned around and saw a long-haired girl running towards the scene, wearing a school uniform, with a sword in her hands.

"Hey, over there!"
she called out. "You guys might want to get out of here. Reinforcements are coming real soon. I'm sure you don't want to be here when they arrive either!"

Satoru, now sitting in the passenger seat, saw the large man turn around. He muttered something to himself, then took the ball of scrap metal that had originally been a police cruiser and threw it. Satoru ducked just in case, but the ball flew over his head, past the girl with the long hair, and it hit the policeman, now kneeling on the groud, blood flowing from a wound. The ball maimed him completely, tearing off his torso and sending it flying. Satoru gasped and held his hand to his mouth in shock. The large man yelled, "HEY GIRL! YOU DID THAT, DIDN'T YOU?!"

He began walking quickly towards his warehouse. "If you wanna hide, follow me!" he called out to the long-haired girl, then he pointed at the both of them in the car and said, "You guys in the car as well!" Finally, he turned back to the other man and ordered, "And you too!"

The large man continued walking, muttering to himself. The other man started walking as well, following the large man. Satoru turned and saw the long-haired girl begin running again. As she approached the car, Satoru noticed that she was really beautiful.

"Hey!" he called out. "Do you need a ride?"

Steve stared at the new guy... we'll go with eddy The fact that he wanted to call himself bloody wolf without having killed anything at all was funny for steve. let's wait with the bloody part until you get to do something that includes blood he shrugged and stood at the warehouse's entrance, waiting for everyone to get in. He had to gather all his robots, his equipment and had to abandon his little home. He didn't like it, but he had to do it.. Hope the lift works.. he thought and sighed deeply..

The torture suddenly stopped and amy poked the girl come on, get up and test it out on the people. Cyborg girl, get over here amy sighed.. she felt like some cashier who just sat around all day, doing the same thing over and over again.. She hated it and really hoped that steve wouldn't bring even more people.. She had nooo idea...


Hey... because I've explained it thoroughly to like, 5 people, you're going to get the short version."he paused, waiting for Evanasia and Satoru to absorb this information.

The man continued, "The name's Steve. My goal is to change this world into what it used to be, and YOU TWO... are going to help me."

Evanasia stood there, stunned. Such ridiculous arrogance. And yet it was completely logical. After all, he himself was thinking of taking over the world, and changing it a while ago. Helping this person would bring him one step closer to this aim. And thus Evanasia made his decision.

Help you, I shall. I too, disagree with the way the world is currently. WIthout conflict, humanity... we cannot move forwards.

Without giving an answer, Steve walked forwards towards Satoru, and said, "You... do I smell fear?"

He continued, "Fear... the emotion of weaklings. It would do you well to get rid of it."

Evanasia's eyes narrowed. He looked at Satoru. Looked at him straight in the eyes. As he heard Steve's words, he could see Satoru's eyes widen in realization. However, not long after that, his eyes reverted back to normal. There was doubt, but the fear... he could see that it was definitely gone. Gone, and replaced by determination. Evanasia smiled.

"I'm not afraid, sir." Satoru replied loudly and clearly.

Steve laughed. "Now look at our little soldier here. That change of heart was pretty fast, aye? Let's hope it won't change back again."

Steve then continued, "If you're going to accept helping me, get into the car and follow me while I dispose of the evidence over there."

Evanasia watched as Steve casually walked over to the car, picked it up and compress it into a can. By now, Evanasia had learnt to expect surprises from this man, such that even his massive strength didn't surprise him any more than the police suddenly showing up. Wait, what? The police suddenly showed up? Of course, Evanasia's first instinct was to get out. He could not risk his identity being discovered. He walked back to the car and opened the car door, got in and waited for Satoru to follow suit. When Satoru was in the passenger seat, waiting, suddenly a huge ball of metal came flying this way. Evanasia looked at it and shrugged, as the ball was not in a trajectory that would hit the car. However, Satoru ducked instinctively and Evanasia laughed.

He then heard Steve shout, "You guys in the car! Follow me if you want to hide!"

At this, Evanasia started driving slowly towards the warehouse. He was aware that if he left his car outside, it would be all too easy for the police to identify it as his. And that was the last thing Evanasia wanted. He drove up to the front of the warehouse and asked Steve,

"Hey, got any space for a car in there?"
Satoru turned back and saw that the large man had stopped right outside his warehouse. He motioned for the rest to get in. Seems like no one would need a lift after all. The long-haired girl ran past the car and towards the warehouse, and the other man followed suit. Beside him, Enon began driving.

As they approached the entrance, Enon called out through the open windows of the car, "Hey, got any space for a car in there?"

Satoru was surprised by Enon's courage. Here was a large and dangerous-looking man, and yet Enon treated him like just another guy on the street. Satoru clenched his fist, hoping that he would one day become like this man, Enon.


Dead is the new alive.
Ezra had been listening to what was going on around her all this time. She still had her head between her knees and her eyes shut tightly. Her knees were still kind of shaky and she could feel a strong headache coming onward. What was unusual though was her heartbeat, it was fluttering like a humming bird’s wings. She didn’t exactly understand what was wrong with her. She had long gone over the fear and pain. Powers… I wonder what I can do.

She had raised her head and opened her eyes just in time to see Naveah’s destruction. She hadn’t actually seen all of it, it seemed that Naveah had some abilities to do with the mind. Suddenly, Ezra had the urge to take her katana. She could not explain the force behind this urge but she did not question it. She walked over to her beloved object and tilted it. She unsheathed her sword, the light of the room was reflected on the razor sharp blade.

Her pulse was quickening by the second and she didn’t know if this really was how it was supposed to go. She walked over to another subject, a male, roughly around her age, if not a little older. She took one glance at her katana. It was as if a blood thirst rose within her. She could not refrain herself. She slowly raised her sword and run the cold edge towards the subjects neck. He whimpered and started shaking. Ezra smiled. She raised her katana and with a few quick flickers of her arm she sliced the poor man to pieces. The whole thing hadn’t even taken a second, it was more of a blur. Her katana had sliced the man like it was butter. With no effort.

Finally her pulse seemed to have slowed down a tad. She actually laughed when she saw the remains of the young man and the blood that covered the place, neatly. Ezra felt a slight warm substance trickling down her thigh, she looked down and saw that she had cut into her own leg. There was blood flowing from her thighs. “Wahh†She whispered. She didn’t actually feel the pain but that might have been due to the fact that she was having an adrenaline rush or…that stupid machine. She looked left and right to see if there was something around which she could stop the flow of blood. However, when she focused back on her wound she saw something incredible. Her open wound was slowly but surely closing again…. Until there was nothing left. Just spots of blood. She wiped away the blood to see if there was some sort of scar or if she was losing her mind. No such thing. No scar. No wound. She looked up towards Amy questioningly.