Would you enter a WoTW contest if there was one?

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  • No

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Exactly what it says on the tin. The Soul Mods are interested to know if you guys would participate in such weekly competitions if we held them. A separate thread in the SOTW section will be up soon.

For those who are unaware: WoTW refers to "Writing of The Week". Every week, a new WoTW is posted, and people who want to join need to write and submit a short story/poem to a mod, based on a theme chosen before the competition (yes, you get to choose ;hello;). After a week has passed, the new WoTW opens, and voting for the previous WoTW opens. Winners get their works posted in the hall of fame!
i support this idea

however we need to wait 'till we have more member/writer

even MF with that ammount of member have their WotW canceled few times due to lack of participant/voters

unless all of our member here is a writer or some1 who care about writing, i guess we need to wait a 'lil bit more 'till we got more members


Kitty pawns all!
well i support creativity and all but sorry i dont really read the stuff you guys write...:shrug:

but yeah go ahead WOTW sounds good. let those who appreciate it..well appreciate it.
@Archer: This is just a preliminary poll, for us to see how much of the existing community is willing to participate. Of course, we'll hold a larger poll when we get more site traffic.

@Aker: PiFace and I are taking steps to further integrate the Soul Section with the rest of the forum, so it sees more traffic, so maybe sometime in the future you'll be led to come and look around. You can read about my proposal in the Suggestions section if you want.

Thanks for the comments, guys! ;hello;


Yea, Its been a ride...
I'd say you would have to make it 2 weeks, people typically can't write in a week due to prior engagements.

Anyway, I wouldn't do it personally, but it would be great to see happen~


Active Member

WOTF must be the title.

We can change the title when people start to invade the muffin site. :]

EDIT: But it sounds like wtf?
[quote name='Vandalle']I say...if we're going to do WOTF, we should pick a good topic.

One that doesn't involve the weather, for once.[/QUOTE]

Well, the themes will most likely be user-voted, so once we've sorted it out I'll post a thread asking for nominations, then after that a vote will be held.
[quote name='Johnzy']WOTF Rules is now posted.

I wanna suggest a thing:

A minimum of 1,000 words only instead of 2,000.

The maximum is 2,000.


Active Member

Yeah. xD

Must have missed that. xD

I thought it was minimum... >.>

My eyes are getting blurry now. xD

I'm on for almost 4 hrs I guess. ?>
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