[Sign Ups] Fallout New Vegas: Dead Money

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Yea, Its been a ride...

General Rules:
1) All Forum Rules apply here.
2) Dead men don't talk. This is important, Do not talk to anyone once you die or you will be black-listed.
3) Keep spam to a minimum. I will try to be open to discussions, but if you just spam randomly - I will warn you.
4) GM's word is law.
5) You are expected to vote each day. If you miss one day, there will be a formal warning. If you miss another day, I will kill you and you will be blacklisted. (IF you believe you might miss a day, and tell me in advance, I will let it go)
6) You are not allowed to talk outside of the discussion thread unless I tell you otherwise (Example: Assassins are an obvious exception to this rule)
Note: All rules are subject to change until the Discussion thread is made.

AG-Specific Notes:
1) PM Protocol:
Unless you are told otherwise, you should only be pming me for questions, so just mention the AG in the title.

2) What is a Simple AG?
It is an AG that typically is based less off abilities and more on the ability for the players to think for themselves. Simple AGs are a personal favorite of mine since its not ability-whoring.
That being said, everyone will have some sort of role to play, everyone will have some sort of ability. I'm not going into details now, but lets just say everyone will have an ability, but most of your mindsets will be that of a villager.

Will be explained in the discussion thread, because I am far too lazy to type them out now.

Current Sign-Ups:
1) Chimer
2) noex1337
3) Crestham
4) Ataraxia
5) RabidChoco
6) BlueDarkness
7) moi
8) Seraph Lucis Eli
9) Ray
10) placa_placa
11) Bloodrazor
12) Emeralda
13) Rina
14) Lily
15) Biomega
16) Akuma no Ko Nico Robin
17) Auron
18) VivaLaPony Onee-chan
19) Kulitman
20) godofwar7
21) Shadow_Strider
22) Auxra
23) Arachna
24) Sanae

Note: I will be accepting any amount of players, however I do not want to start with less then 15
Note v2: If anyone is new to AGs and has questions, feel free to pm me.

Helpful Links:
Fallout New Vegas: Dead Money Wiki: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Dead_Money


Yea, Its been a ride...
Alrighty, updated~

I'll give this a shot. I am new to this, however...
Check your PMs, I just replied to your PM.

Can I ask for more that size 1 font?
Meh, I'll put a secondary version of the daily post in regular sized font (In a spoiler) to make it easier I suppose.

Might join. >_< No knowledge to Fallout.
Check the wiki, this is only based off a single DLC and there isn't too much information to pick up on.
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