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Devil Hunter of Hell
Hey all, Dante here.

Yes, I am back. Not in full functioning form, but enough to be an overseer for now.

Anywho, got some exciting news. I have my own podcast going! Yes, my own podcast. It's what I like to call an "anything goes" podcast. Me and my partner tackle local, national, and global news, and then we try to have a new bit every session, and new music coming from you, the listeners.


If you guys want to submit music (that's not copyrighted of course) or if you want to participate, feel free to contact me. I will be more than happy to hear from you. Likewise, if you guys have something to say on ANY of the episodes, go ahead and get in touch with me. I take hate mail and praise alike, and your voices are always heard.

So, please don't be afraid to subscribe and give me a shout!
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