Humans and Animals

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Well-Known Member
Do u think animals and humans should be treated equally? I have some friends and family think that if a dog die its okay but not when a human dies.. I feel both the same way if both die, I dunno thats me. What do you think?


pink spider
I have 2 cats. I had a dog when i lived with my parents. I do think we should be equal. If you kill a dog you should get the same amount of punishment as killing a human.


turnabout moderation
yeah, they are living things too. maybe not ones who speak the same language but they do have feelings. i consider humans and animals equals.
well, no mater what kind of animal is, it is a living being, even if it can not read or write or solve math problems, an animal is at least capable of feeling sadness or happiness, just like a human, one must be cold blooded not to feel a thing when an animal dies.


Pokemon Master
Well I can say that we are equal, but in truth if killing an animal is different from a human in my perspective.

You have to think of it this way. Why is the animal being killed and are you over killing it's kind. When killing a cow we are using it for food which is part of life since it's difficult is survive on only vegetables. When killing a dog unless you are using it for some important reason I think you might just be enjoying it which then just makes you a crazy... o_O

What I mean is that it depends on the reason, but when it comes to humans it is always a selfish reason so it is wrong no matter what.


Phoenix of the Red Moon
to be honest, i'm very sad when an animal dies, but i don't care that much about human beings. i mean, when i watch the news and see people getting hurt or even dying, i really don't care, but when i see animals being beaten or killed, it really pisses me off.

Rei Ayanami

Pilot Evangelion Unit-00
Well, I don't think they should be treated EQUALLY, because then we would be talking with dogs, having dinner with cats and so on.

But yeah, they need to be treated with respect, since they are living beings like us.
I consider my dogs and cat my children, it makes me sad seeing them get older. My animals are family and seeing other animals neglected and abused makes me really sad for them, yet I never really feel that way for people. In fact I've cried over the deaths of animals more than I have for people.


kumo no you ni
I love animals so much!!!It just makes me cry when I see an animal mistreated and I can't do anything about it:( Only because they can't speak that doesn't mean we should kill them...

I think animals should be treated equally as humans, but I think the solution is in the way we teach our children how to do it.

For example: 'Aaa! it's a cockroach!! kill it, kill it!' .We hear this since we are born, so we think it's only natural to kill the cockroach. But maybe it isn't...
They are not exactly our equal, do any of you cry or get upset while eating that slab of meat on your plate?

I don't like when they die or get abused but I don't get that upset about it, I may say that's messed up or that isn't right.

If you step on an ant does it upset you? Your taking somethings life away so it should upset you just as much if a cat or dog loses it's life.

Honestly I'd be more upset if my sister or brother died over a pet I've had for 10 years.


Phoenix of the Red Moon
seirei said:
I love animals so much!!!It just makes me cry when I see an animal mistreated and I can't do anything about it:( Only because they can't speak that doesn't mean we should kill them...

I think animals should be treated equally as humans, but I think the solution is in the way we teach our children how to do it.

For example: 'Aaa! it's a cockroach!! kill it, kill it!' .We hear this since we are born, so we think it's only natural to kill the cockroach. But maybe it isn't...

i hate cockroaches. i think it's fine to kill them. i don't kill spiders tough...


Phoenix of the Red Moon
Serph said:
equally and am going to collage to be a vet so yea i love animals

that's great, my sis wanted to be a vet too, but, she didn't make it .

i think it's one of the most noble jobs :D
haruka said:
that's great, my sis wanted to be a vet too, but, she didn't make it .

i think it's one of the most noble jobs :D

and i agree, humans can go to hospitals and say they're hurting here and there, but animals can't do that. a vet is an admirable person.
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