How do u shut ur parents up saying anime is for children

My parents do care thats its a cartoon really cause they seen me watching cowboy bebop and realize it really isn't all childish. They just don't understand how I can watch it in Japanese. I just tell them its good for increasing my reading skills and helping me try to learn a new language. Then they asked me why couldn't I watch Spanish cartoons (since I failed my 2nd and 3rd year of Spanish) :(



A: Stop talking to your parents. (This is my personal favorite)

B: Show them the opening scenes from something like Elfen Lied or Crimson Climax. (The former if you don't want to end up in a mental hospital)

C: Should you not want your parents to ban anime from the house entirely, as Plan B could have them do, get them hooked on Shin-chan. It's got plenty of semi-clean adult oriented episodes, so they'll never need to move on to any other show, which would force them to realise most anime is childish.


The Music Hunter/Sharer
My parents used to bug me about it but they've gotten used to it. You could ask them if they'd rather have you take up doing drugs instead. Which would they prefer? As long as it isn't interfereing with what they are doing or doing what you are asked to do it shouldn't be that big of a deal.
My parents don't have a problem with anime. And my mom actually likes watching it. Though she doesn't really have very much time to spend on it so she's only seen a few things like Air, Mushishi, Fate/Stay Night and Eureka Seven.

My dad doesn't like it but he doesn't dislike it either.


pink spider
My parents are chinese and they didn't mind it a bit. But everyone else thought i was weird for liking it so much. Now i live by myself so theres no need to shut them up.


Suigintou Love
My mom used to watch it when she was my age living in Japan. (Grandpops was in the air force, so they were stationed over there)

I never get any flak from her about it, it's nice.
It doesn't happen often to me, they usually know the faces of characters of Anime I'm obsessed with and if they go pass it and I'm not there, they buy the thing for me anyway :gee:

But sometimes they say I'm too old for Anime. Then I bring in M rated Anime, and also that my cousin is about to turn 30 and he still watches Anime :gee:

Gets them everytime. rOfl ~
my adopted parents could give a well ill say frick seeing as I no longer live with them so ill watch and read what ever I feel like and no one complains to me about it.:D


Dying from moe overdose.
I ignore them. mu ha ha or just say "Damare" then they forget about the anime and say 'what does that mean?'

Nice idea that Ray came up with, I'm going to try that one next time.