Favorite anime Genre?



Comedy - To calm myself when I'm in despair :3

Action - For some pump-up adrenaline feel :3

Slice of Life - For relaxing

Sci-fi - Kill some time

Romance - Kill some time


i really like comedy, shooll life, etc. but action like naruto and bleach are really good too. the kind of haibane renmei or the like are good but i prefer something more dynamic
action, romance and comedy.

i like Naruto, full of action and suprise. Unforgettable and unacceptable, the death of Uchiha Itachi and Jiraiya. Both are my favorite characters.

uh, and Ah! My Goddess, i have complete episode for season1 and season2. i cannot upload it anywhere because the slow connection speed T.T


Phoenix of the Red Moon
still my favs are shounen ai and yaoi ^^ i think i read all the yaoi manga that was written till now ^^ (well i might've missed one or two)

and besides those, i think fantasy and adventure, definitely no romance and school life, not to mention coming of age ... i prefer anime with lots of action in it ^^