[Discussion Thread] P3: Memento Mori [GAME OVER]

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Pistis Sophia
Well, glad to hear I wasn't the only one here who hasn't played.

*doesn't feel lonely anymore*

And I'm serious, let's just kill Foreverava. He's always inactive and rarely cares, so it's a win win.

Chronicles is trying so hard to get all the details and roles she can from people. Almost encouraging~
regarding the site crashing,

admin is trying to fix it right now and he is transferring the site over to another one that is more stable, please bear with me

@ emmie: yes of course, i want to win this; last time i died too early

@ all the other; come on guys, pm me. im always the goodie, i never will harm you!!!


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Seems to be some differences I've noticed, but maybe it was left out of rolesheets o.o?

Hmmm, Forever is usually inactive, but it is the first day... I'm torn between going along with him being lynched and leaving him alone. 1.) It's the first day and he prolly put in the wrong url again lol. 2.) He'll be inactive killed anyway. 3.) It's only the first day and the first hours...

Hmm, this is a tooughy, because what if he's an innocent? He may be an inactive, but keeping an innocent alive is also important *torn* :\

*goes to try to poke him*


@Hadriel: And where's your proof? Like you said to Shadowwolf, without any proof, the statement can either be valid or invalid.

Oh, and I deny being a baddie.


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Cresty, someone said you lied about your identity... This can be good or bad.. Mind explaining ^__^? Or, what faction did Crest lie about, Shadow (I think it was who said that) ^__^?


Basically something like a PM convo occurred. I know Hadriel is a confirmed goodie, so I'm not voting for him, but I don't know why he said I lied.
Still none?

I will rephrase, especially since there was something I had misunderstood. CHECK YOUR ROLE SHEET for the GROUP ABILITIES of your GROUP. If any of them is:

-Instant kill

-Change assassination

confirming my existence and my desire to link with random people. dun care if you're not in my group, ill reach my groupmates eventually. Ranking up is more important now.
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