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  • selfish, and I'm not fond of that. And because of that I would do it half-way. ^^;<br />
    Anyway, I couldn't believe I said it all to you lol
    haha cool i had the electricity thing rite haha:) and cool haha:) haha cool so what’s going on next im reading and stuff haha and it sounds cool what im reading so far haha:)
    as the time goes. I couldn't do anything about it, too. The only thing I have from the game is the memory of spending 3 years on DOMO now. I experienced many stuffs. And they are not replaceable because they were done on an online game. ^^<br />
    In order to keep them, I used the name Voltorn 'til now. ^^<br />
    Whenever I see it, I remember some parts of that experience. Sometimes I laugh by myself because I remember a funny experience of it. xD<br />
    lol<br />
    I'm bounded to the past. And it was not a very good past. Doesn't that make me a quite pathetic person? ^^<br />
    What do you think, Kioko? ^^<br />
    I never told this to anyone because I'm afraid I'm not quite sure they would be able to do something about it ^^<br />
    Mm..., so should I change my username and forget those experience? ^^;<br />
    Y'know, I'm the type of person that needs to be pushed. I have many ambitions in life, but if no one wants to support me, I feel that I'm just plainly selfish, ...
    hahah oh ok haha ur sister knows more than u how nice and she is so nice to buy u a game to play haha:) and i have used my name for a user name haha:) so yugioh card and what volt what haha:)
    And the...n I found this card called Valtrion the Lightning Warrior. I asked my sister about it. She said it sounded weird and I need to modify it. So I came up with Voltorn. And then she said it's not that good, but it's okay at least. I was very happy that I finally found a decent username to use. I used that username to play DOMO. I didn't understand much about the game. I was so confused. But the graphic was very, very nice. I made many friends, and I'd become quite well-known in that game. ^^ One day, the game was closed down 2 years ago. I couldn't do anything about it. I felt hopeless. From then on, I have lost contact with every online friend I had. Some of them asked me to play another online game. I simply refused because I know that those game will eventually be closed down one day. And everything I've gained would lose, leaving the memory and the not-so-useful experience only. One by one, I've lost contact with those online friend of mine as t...
    she don tell me his ex is in a biker gang though so i have some trouble afterward due to he ganged up on me with some of his underlings but oh well i teach them a good lesson^^
    After visiting a poster convention with her friends, my little sister bought me an online CD game. The game was called DOMO (Dream of Mirror Online). I was very happy because I'd longed to play an online game, and I got to play one. ^^ I installed the game on my PC, and started to play it. But they asked for a username. I was wondering about that. I asked my sister about it because I've known that I can always count on her taste. ^^ I asked her if my real name would be good. She laughed at me and said that I mustn't use my real name as a username. I asked her for an explanation. And she said, "just don't." So I spent the day to think of a name. I came up with many kinds of name, but she refused them all, telling me that they are very lame names. So I go to my bed, thinking about the name. I rolled around the bed because I had no idea about it. And somehow I saw a deck of yugioh card, so I stopped rolling. I picked it up and read every card's name. And the...
    yea i guess haha:)<br />
    haha no not there haha:) yes we are, we are married everywere wait no haha:)<br />
    well not in RL haha that will never happen haha:)
    oh your brother a marine? interesting well for me ojou sama i have experienced worst so a broken arm is nothing^^ like almost get your heart stabbed and such
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