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  • Ello Ello! Yeah, this is Kiev. We used to talk quite a bit on MSN. You just stopped signing on one day and I got bored of forums for a while. Then one day Lexus invites me here and I'm like "alright."

    After that I go idle and don't come back and actually participate in anything due to forgetting until one day Emeralda is purging inactive accounts and I come on to resolve that.

    Hahaha. I'm always open to talk if you want! It definitely has been a while. Good to see you!
    oooh, naice :D same here, it's really quite here ^^" (it's some rural little town filled with old people.. =w=" XDD) buuut the big cities are nearby, around 30 kilometers from here so.. it's a nice location :D i'd love to go to america one day *-*"
    i can assure you, it is XD i had to deal with them.. ^^" buuut yeah.. anyway.. where do you actually live..? ._."
    <-- germany, even though he's not german :D
    not just that.. if you're in a battle and they just hit you and dodge every single time, it get's REALLY annoying.. already had to deal with some of these guys in the past.. i think i traumatized them .. XDDDD but yeah.. the worst godmodders are the one-lining ones tho like "he strikes and hits XXX face, breaking his nose" or stuff like that.. reeeaaallly annoying =w= XDD
    ooh, naice :D i dunno.. the naruto RP's i was part of never survived for more than a week ._."

    earm.. Action/fantasy/fighting RP's with RPG elements (like, a skill or levelling system to make it harder to godmode and to give the RP'ers the feeling of achieving something ^^") but romance is okay as well :3 also highschool life and stuff like that is nice too.. but.. i kinda get bored if there's no action ._." but yeah.. main is Action, fantasy and fighting.. like the RP i just started xD
    ooh :D how long did ye RP for..? =D
    <--- RP'ing for a bit more than 2 years nao ._." XDD
    and what were your favorite RP genres..? (like, action, romance, fighting, musical ones (i still dun get how people can manage to do them ._. isn't that hard..?) war, science-fiction, horror and stuff :3)
    weell.. can't really say that i slept well.. in fact.. not good at all =w=" buuuut.. anyway.. how bout you..? or rather.. what time is it over there where you live..? o-o"
    ayup, ima a guy :D wait.. you heard me on skype..? o-O" wow ._." XDD you were online that day too? :D

    EDIT: :wtf: i just realized that i got school in like.. 7 hours! need to sleep >-<" sowwy.. nighteeeyy, see ya tomorrow X3
    .. to be honest.. i have NO idea ._." XDDD

    .. are you a girl..? if so, then being girly is fine.. if not, that's.. a problem..? XDDD naaa dun need one, really :D
    ooohh i see :D

    naah, i dun like sets and stuff.. too complicated for me =w=" XDDD i'm a simple person with simple needs.. once i find a proper pic, i'll use it :D or i might use the other one i have on the other forums.. who knows..? =D
    Family celebration and what not. My sister's birthday was 3 days ago so we withheld any celebration so that we can do everything on one day.
    It seems like common knowledge now :wacko: Thanks :) I have been on this planet for 2 decades now.
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