Guess Who Will Post Next

Its too late! It is too late!

Yes, Yoda is dead and the rest of the bloody Jedi's!! Bwahahahahahhahhahaaaa!

This next person will have witt and cunning unlike any other but, underneath all that facade is a little girl just aching to cry out for her MUM!!!!
all true, except the one I'm really crying out for is you! please sir, may I have another? o_O

next poster could take over the world using only string cheese and a unicycle.
Awww, so sweet! *kisses you*

Next poster is disguised as a sweet little girl carrying a basket full of cookies and an assorted set of candies.

Unbeknownst to the world she is actually a first rate assassin trained by an ancient cult of ninjas who has infiltrated the corporate world in all facets of the government and certain media conglomerates.

...their aim is to one day subject everyone to eat their poisoned cookies and candies and submitting them to mind control and thereby forcing everyone to get down on their collective knees and cry out...."please spank me!" LMFAO!!!
Even if I was, I would never reveal my secret! *raises the paddle* So who's first?! (for our game of cricket, of course!)

next person is the long lost 5th Beatle.
If I say I am does that actually mean I'm not? Or if I say I'm not, I actually am? Logic blergh

Next poster likes to pretend they're a film noir detective named Tracer Bullet.
LMAO!! Yeah I do it just like that every morning, except I wear only a very long striped scarf.

Next person goes to saloons looking for a fight.
those reavers scared the hell out of me for such a long time! Worse than the cybermen!

(yes, naked... you object/)

next poster likes to scare little kids by pretending to be Godzilla. BBRAAAAAWWWRR!!