Your weirdest dream

When a white rhino kept coming into my room, even after my mom was kicking it out, and then when i woke up but it was still creeped me the hell out


Oderint Dum Metuant
lol the weirdest dreams I have are not weird do to what they are about but because they are what people call Lucid Dreams where I know I'm dreaming and because of it i act as myself and everything feels like reality also when I do wake up I remember what happened in my dream.

These dreams happen quite frequently with me and most of them have been related to the series of novels I've been working on, and the dreams actually help me in my writing because its like I'm experiencing it first hand.

oh the dreams are of a Epic/fantasy/adventure/romance genre as is my story.


I have muffins! =D
This dream had been copming back to me every six months since I was six :\

There's be a huge grassy plain and I'd be standing there looking for a way out of the plain with a few close frends or relatives. Then suddenly we'd come across a cave opening so we go in but there's a sign saying we can't go in without a guide. Then randomly, someone I know will pop up and tell us that they're the guide.

We'd be traveling through the cave and inside you can see all these glowing mushrooms that look really pretty and shit. Anyways, our guide explains to us the features of the cave (like guides usually do) and when he get's to expalining about the mushrooms he says, "What ever you do don't light a fire in this cave." Then the guy is stupid enough to light a lighter and the mushrooms end up decomposing him..

So my little group of friends and I just stand there watching him being decomposed then we run out of the cave back into the field, after that I wake up.

It's a very freaky and disturbing dream to me..
I have odd dreams sometimes like:

I was in a tree and the branch broke and I fell and hit the ground and started rolling and fell into a river and the current was pushing my towards this alligator xD
When I was little, I dreamt I was being chased by a tornado. It followed me everywhere no matter where I went.
i had a dream when i was in high school that i have a complete family but the set-up is very weird it's like i'm in the past and my supposed to be husband has no face.. so i didn't really see him clearly... geez...


Dying from moe overdose.
Yeah uhm, I was a lego guy in one dream... and most of you know the dreams when you fall and wake up before you land on the ground right ? I had those dreams, like every night, but I didn't wake up before I landed, I smashed into the ground and then I woke up... terrifying :*


Phoenix of the Red Moon
i had a weird dream once, it was something like a dream in a dream in a dream, or so. i was dreaming that i was dreaming that i couldn't move, that something was suffocating me, and that i was surrounded by some stuff, like living branches or so, right before i started to stop breathing i woke up. i had my eyes opened but when i tried to move, the same thing. than i heard a noise and closed my eyes, i felt as if there was someone there, right before stopping breathing, again, i woke up, this time for real. it was pretty crazy...


Well ive had tons of weird dreams,
One being I had played a fligh simulater for too long on one day [10 hours] and the very same night I had a dream about landing a spitfire upside down on the top of a giant pink floating elephant.
Another was I was in the top of a Panzer driving around mindlessly in the English Lake District.
i dreamed once that i was lost in a spooky, big, enormous and probably hunted mansion, and while i was walking there, scared to death i bumped into a nice guy who said he wanted to help me, but he was a vampire and i woke up when i saw his fangs, that's all.