What got you into anime?


Sonozaki Sisters Lover
I saw some anime girls on a website. I asked what it was, then I searched a random anime, watched it (Fate/Stay Night). And I was sold to anime.
I would have to say definitely Dragonball and sailor moon, both of those were on early morning saturdays, sailormoon was everyday i think, but those two shows got me and all my bros into anime, They were soooo great. Dragonball is still awesome
i got into due to robotech and voltron first anime isaw subbed was macross plus and neon genisis eva and macross 7 back in the day i used to get a lot of model kits from all the mecha shows at one stage i had a whole room in my house full of models till my now ex wife went threw adn destroyed them all when we split
Slam Dunk, because i like Sakuragi stubbornness and idiotic face. i like his attitude, claiming the greatest basketball player in Japan. he knows nothing. huhu... then i kept looking for anime with character like Sakuragi. then, i just got stuck with anime.