The United States of Amnesia


Visions of Hell
But that's not my question, my question is very simple;
Will this empire survive, and how long will it last?
No, it wont survive. It will collapse, just like all the other empires before it. One can argue that in fact, it is already collapsing, and that the current budget deficit and the loss of international prestige and respect are only the first signs of it. So, its only a matter of time before America itself will realize that its no longer the superpower it used to be.

But, that can take a very long time. Unlike previous empires, America itself is one nation and its a really big nation at that. Short from a civil war breaking it up in a very small pieces, America's sheer size and volume will guarantee it an important role on the international stage. So, the collapse of the American empire will only mean its no longer the number one, and that it has to share its power with China, India and Brazil.

Unless they do something really stupid, and causing a war on their own soil. In which case they end up like Germany if they are lucky.

As for Lexus claim, it's nothing new, I've been pointing out so many times already that States are inherently violent and the only solution for peace is Anarchism. But this is outside the context of this thread, as of now - there's only one superpower in the world, and this superpower is extremely malevolent.
On the Anarchism part we will just have to agree to disagree. As for the second part, you are overreacting a bit. America is not any worse then previous superpowers like Britain.
I also do not believe in the Anarchism subject. I have my own views as well.

As for the collapse of the "American Empire" - it's already happened. America itself is a shell of the nation it used to be. The current state of it is just a pretty picture that the media tries to portray even as the nation continually falls upon dark times.

The start of this decay began long before the economic decline or the collapse into deficit, before the wars, before the business world throwing itself in chaos due to capitalism.

The start of decay began when the "American spirit" or the definitive cultural identity that America had long built itself up since it's founding had been gradually discarded generation by generation. True nationalism or support for the country which for a time briefly flared has gradually died out, gradually replaced by excessive patriotic zeal for some and gradually disenfranchised, crushed hopes for others. The meritocratic ideals that this country once lived upon has for the most part died out with a gradual drop in social mobility for those who do not have the connections or the resources beforehand. There are exceptions, obviously; however, the country itself has seen an obvious gap in the divide between rich and poor. Something increasingly common in most capitalist oriented economies. That's just the natural order of the economic state of the world when you bind everything under an ideology of consumerism and excessive, un-moderated consumerism. The point is, the cultural basis of the nation is in rot, and unity is either held together mostly by fear and consumerism. The American people aren't producers and they over emphasize their military advantages, frequently leaving the state of their country's economy in the hands of private interests and the free market. This leads not only to more corruption in politics but also more exertions of force on behalf of private interests, often through thinly veiled ideological ploys such as spreading democracy and freedom. America's once rugged, moderated individualism and sense of community, innovation, and hardship (the views that once helped keep this country strong and productive) are dead. The factories which once churned out masses products of products for true export (our import/export ratio is extremely unbalanced) bringing GDP into the country are long decayed with only some sincere production remaining due to outsourcing and the shifting of the economy from once of a balanced producer to a full fledged, mostly parasitic and bloated service/consumer economy and militarily and politically interventionist state.

Private interests, which control many economies and are the pushing force of globalism is the death of society in the sense that we are placing our most important industries and assets as countries into the hands of private citizens in majority control who often prioritize their own aims over the health of their society or the societies of others. The government has become little more than a tool of those interests for the most part - a moderately veiled corporate police state - held together by wars and media which help keep the population in check and complacent, keeping unity together through scaremongering, obligation, and petty issues while the country gets worse. It is a state in organized decay. Neighbor spies on neighbor, police have increasing powers of action as the condition of the nation causes more crime, social inequality, and the one thing that was set to help equalize that for society's benefit - welfare - is gradually being killed off. Contrary to common belief, welfare is not a system of solidarity. It was a system built originally by Otto Von Bismark to appease socialists and workers to help equalize society by keeping the lesser elements in society accounted for so that there need not be fear of rebellion or unrest - and to help curb crime through a widely conservative, noble-led government who wanted to control change and prevent a removal of their social order. The real reason for welfare originally was, and still should be a means of capping the less fortunate, poor, or risky elements of society. The problem it is both abused, attacked by most people who even could use it's benefit, and is constantly being nerfed in favor of individualistic free market views and distaste toward big government.

Another element is that most Americans do not have the heart, the social consciousness, qualification of knowledge or awareness (due to ignorance) to face or challenge their government and officials anymore. The voting base is dominated by often ignorant, or highly polarized extremist elements who bitterly fight over their partisan aims and the two party system is filled with rot and monopolization of political forces by those parties. Any other parties are just a unique nicety that is often ignored by most people.

A major factor especially is how most Americans are increasingly fractured toward each other in their views, in their personal obligations, in their conditions, and in their aims as the society itself becomes gradually oppressive and increasingly become an excessively warped view of social Darwinism where it's everyone for themselves - killing the purpose and meaning of country. To be a united force which works together both out of necessity and reason. That doesn't quite work when individualism is taken to the extreme. More Americans fear for their lives, seek for their own gain, and care for their own aims than they care or consider the fate of the country. Most just want to pretend it isn't there or going on while still screaming with self entitlement over politics.

The social factors, the economic factors, the political factors and the military factors all come together.

The over extended, expensive military campaigns, the expensive bailing out of private institutions to save the economy, and the gradual uselessness of the political system are just symptoms of the overall rot in society.

That's just my view. Apologies for my writing seeming rather fractured. I wrote this hastily as I have to go temp somewhere.


Follower of kiyology
All of you run you mouth and say oh i hate America or America wont last well you know what we are not going anywhere. Financial collapse we have been there done that, Hated by the world who the hell cares haters are going to hate. When shit goes down everyone looks to see what America is going to do, If we do something its damn Americans always sticking their noses in everything, if we don't get involved its damn Americans never caring about a thing. We as a nation are one of the youngest around and people just cant wait for us to go away well i have news for you as long as you hate us we will live on.
I AM an American, and I don't hate America. I'm actually a nationalist, I just don't support our government. Support the country, have distaste for our bloated, incapable-of-doing-anything-relevant government. I'd more than love to see a second renaissance for this country.

I'm pointing out the truth of where America is going from a perspective of actually looking at trends and pointing out what's been going on for many, many years. America is a state in decline, just as all states have had their decline. Being one of the "youngest" nations doesn't change that, especially when our own people, leaders, and businesses are gradually accumulating decay in the country. It's never about the country anymore, it's always about people and their sense of entitlement. Often, self entitlement.

The country is dead man. It just doesn't look so yet. But just because it's dying doesn't mean it will go away forever. Every country has the chance for redemption, so to speak.

Not to mention, your post was actually rather belligerent there. It's like you only pay attention to what the media and the politicians tell you. You probably don't even look at the deeper issues plaguing the country.


Visions of Hell
All of you run you mouth and say oh i hate America or America wont last well you know what we are not going anywhere. Financial collapse we have been there done that, Hated by the world who the hell cares haters are going to hate. When shit goes down everyone looks to see what America is going to do, If we do something its damn Americans always sticking their noses in everything, if we don't get involved its damn Americans never caring about a thing. We as a nation are one of the youngest around and people just cant wait for us to go away well i have news for you as long as you hate us we will live on.
You make it sound like you guys are a nation of trolls.....
You make it sound like you guys are a nation of trolls.....
People like that are one of the reasons WHY America is so hated. Most of the country seems to have that overzealous mindset, even if they're in opposition to the government or even the way society is run, they think this country is the strongest place ever. That it is infallible as a military power in the end, that it's a monolith. It's part of the reason people would never dare revolt in full against this government. They give it far more credit than may be reality.

The country is a zombie corpse. It has high attack power and high defense, but it swings around it's force wildly and without much grace and it's rotting as it walks and strikes, gradually consuming the resources within it's vicinity and not growing or gaining anything from it but more decay. People like him, is a big part of the reason why the country is that way.


Visions of Hell
People like that are one of the reasons WHY America is so hated. Most of the country seems to have that overzealous mindset, even if they're in opposition to the government or even the way society is run, they think this country is the strongest place ever. That it is infallible as a military power in the end, that it's a monolith. It's part of the reason people would never dare revolt in full against this government. They give it far more credit than may be reality.

The country is a zombie corpse. It has high attack power and high defense, but it swings around it's force wildly and without much grace and it's rotting as it walks and strikes, gradually consuming the resources within it's vicinity and not growing or gaining anything from it but more decay. People like him, is a big part of the reason why the country is that way.
Im not American so Im not in the position to judge its people, but Id say you give a little to much credit to a troll...
Im not American so Im not in the position to judge its people, but Id say you give a little to much credit to a troll...
That's the thing. Most of our citizens seem to be that way nowadays. I kid you not. Walk out in public for one day and you just want to facepalm hard.
America is just a tool used by the most powerful people in the world. Its no surprise that the most powerful nation in the world is a war provoking machine. Personally I dont think those things should be associated with the people of america, like many people have biased opinions against. The people who run it, and the people from all over the world who make up the nation (and a lot of times get brain washed by them) have nothing to do with the people in power.

And its nos surprise its all collapsing as fast as it stood.


Visions of Hell
Lol, yeah I know you're right, but I can't imagine them F#cking up a case as open-and-shut as this one. :shrug: Mark your calendars people. Tuesday, July 5th 2011 is the day justice died.
Lol they just make sure vital pieces of evidence and vital witnesses go 'missing' =\

Kaze Araki

Libertarian Communist
America is just a tool used by the most powerful people in the world.
America was created out of capitalists necessity, it is then no wonder that these capitalists interests shapes the American policy according to their needs.
America is just a tool used by the most powerful people in the world.
America was created out of capitalists necessity, it is then no wonder that these capitalists interests shapes the American policy according to their needs.
I'm speaking of something else. When you look at the root of the problem to its always the same, no matter what country.