The den of Pervs

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The Lotus Eater
Staff member
I'm fucking pissed. Apparently I can't express my dislike for something without hurting some emo bitch that's more sensitive than a 12 year old girl having her first period while watching Justin Bieber cut his trademark faggot lesbian hair. If you're going to get offended by a different point of view, get the fucking hell off the internet you goddamn piece of shit. Am I offended right now? Yes I am. I'm offended by the stupidity that plagues some forums. It's quite sad how I can't post a point of view without being hated on my some little bitches with tight assholes. AT and a few other sites that I won't mention are probably the only places where people don't get offended by people with different opinions. Fuck you humanity. Suck my fucking cock. It's got more brains than all you mother fucking dumbfucks put together.


The Lotus Eater
Staff member
It's going to be different on AT. People that get offended for no good reason are the ones that get owned here. People with opinions and intelligence will be respected here.
Rave, What forum was that? Send this vid to them.
[media][/media][/spoiler]Sheeple just don't understand. The first time I heard of Beiber was about 2 years ago ( I think) during April Fools' when this video site said they were currently owned by the brat.Hated him immediately.Next time I heard of him was on College Humor when this 5 year old was crying because she loved Beiber so much.Hated him/her even more.Thousands of $ to maintain his hairdo? He'd be better off shaving it all off and give the trimmings to Oprah and auction it off and donate the proceeds to people who need them.And people reprimanding someone voicing their opinion on the internet have no right to be on the internet. The net is the perfect place to let loose because of the anonymity and slight freedom it provides.What are they, 4Ch? The forum where a user posted he was thinking of committing suicide and the forumites urged him on and said "take pics" (Which he did...somewhat).I feel ashamed for humanity and our human nature to discriminate against the minority.
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