Swords or Guns?

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i prefer swords cuz its where you can see whose really really better in terms of all skills.

its real fight unlike gun that you can kill a person in a shot even miles away without him knowing.


I prefer swords, but not for any 'honourful' reason, its just my chosen art form.

I've learnt alot about swords and guns when I went through my 'studying weaponry' phase. One, it takes just as much skill to learn to use heavy firearms well as it does to use a sword, guns are complex machines where swords are sharpened lengths of steel.

The other is katanas are -bad- swords, really, they are not effective against european style armor, anything heavier then banded mail. Also a european style broad sword can shatter or sunder a katana they've just been built up by movies and other media over the years :( Cloistered societys dont learn to vary their weaponry well is all.

Always remember kiddies there is no honor in killing, if its done then its nessacary, dont let movies fool you :D
A Gunblade for me!!!

I prefere Gunblade...

it's effective against all type of armor, if you cant cut fru it you can shoot it down :)



I'm with steel on everything. If it is blade for blade; no Armour etc., and you were a skilled master of a katana vsing someone with a broardsword you would be fucked most likely if it came blade to blade... But hopefully you would be faster than the big bulky man and would get that throat cut asap....

Again, if it was skill for skill and they were evenly matched, neither would win; but blade for blade brute strength vs brute strength a broard sword is stronger....

As far as guns vs swords go, there is no "art" in killing. So i don't see the point.

A gun kills someone as effortlessly and needlessly as possible... Nothing wrong with that if you are a cold heartened murderer; but if you want to vs your opponent guns is obviously the most honorable. Neither are "honorable" because the result is death though haha. :D

So in answer to your question.. What do i prefer... Swords.
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