Shakugan no Shana FC


Suigintou Love

"He had thought his normal days would last forever, until they were ended abruptly by an encounter with a girl with red hair and eyes. He named her Shana.

Not long after he enters high school, Sakai Yuji’s normal days come to an end. He sees something bizarre on his way home: people are frozen in a strange fire, and a monster that looks like a large doll is attacking them. Just when he's about to be killed, a girl in a dark cloak wielding a large sword appears, and slices the monster in half. Although Yuji survives the strange encounter, the girl informs him of a desolate truth: "You don’t 'exist' anymore."

She calls herself a Flame Haze who hunts “Guze no Tomogara”; intruders from another world. She explains to him that he is a "Torch”, a substitute of Yuji whose “existence” has already been devoured. She also told him that he is a special Torch, “Mystis”, which contains a precious item in it. When he looks at his chest, he sees within himself a faint flame, just as she said.

It is in this way that his eternal struggle alongside the girl begins."

Source: AnimeNfo

Owner: Syanaide - Shana

Co-Owner: Ray - Yuji





Gnome - Wilhelmina




Tengu - Alastor


Luke-Desu - Khamsin

Anyone is welcome to join and claim no co-claims.


Suigintou Love
Everything, the story and animation are all top notch, and the music is all good too since its done by KOTOKO and Kawada Mami.. though the new OP that came out this week is kinda bad. Shana has been one of my top 3 favorite anime since the first season came out, I can't get enough!


Well the series is goin at a good pace nice plot well develop characters I guess

Yuji sekai he grew the most from the beginning till the cliff hanger at the novel

Nice romance and school life added to it


I actually like the new OP. Granted, not as much as the previous 3 but I still really like it.

I'll join. And I'll also claim Wilhelmina.


Oderint Dum Metuant
Awesome sign me up, i was thinking about making a SnS fc and use the format of one i already made, but the site i made it on must of shut down... Anyway I'm glad someone made the FC.