Rules for the Spam and Games Area

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1.All Muffin Central forum rules and guidelines apply.
Forum Rules and Guidelines

2.All threads made must have a decent topic. No threads like 'im bored' or 'i hate you'.
Any nonsense threads would be sent to thread hell.

3.No necro-posting in threads which has no new posts for months.

4. One more thing...any rule-breaking...plz use the report button or PM a mod with a link to it...
we mods dont have the luxury of time to look through every single page of spam >__>

Kaguya apologizes for the lack of rules...but since this is a spam section...we dont really need so much neh? xD

Note: SPAM MODS have the right to edit the rules when needed.

Note: EMMIE has the right to approve a topic when she finds it amusing.

Note: IF the thread EMMIE approves because its amusing does not go overboard, KAGUYA will let it stay.

Note: We'll see, we'll see~

Note: Ooooh, u bet we WILL see! pfft xD

Note: This is a note, rawr~
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