I confess.................


Super Moderator
Staff member
I confess I broke a nail >.> the painful way you know like not just the white part of your fignernails but also the pinkish part... it was bleeding like crazy >.<"
either those or it's time to put my world domination plans in motion! or become a trophy wife
I confess, I cooked breakfast in my underwear and miraculously didn't injure myself!


Dead is the new alive.
SO?! I confess that I am way older than you thus that I had planned this way before you did! D=<
I confess that I believe you will fail! = D
either those or it's time to put my world domination plans in motion! or become a trophy wife
I confess, I cooked breakfast in my underwear and miraculously didn't injure myself!
You, errr...cooked in your underwear? Did you have an apron on? That is just so bloody sexeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

I confess, I have a plan for world domination: LOL
I confess I had a plan for wold domination before you did!! You copy cat D<
I confess, my plan for world domination is better than all of yours