Humans and Animals

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I think animals and humans should be treated equally, as far as love and respect go. You'd think that I'd be against having pets then, but with how industrialized the Earth is getting, we have to take on the domesticated animals on as pets because there's no way they'd survive on their own.
What about that hamburger you ate for lunch? or that salad? where to stop?!

Animals =Food

Plants =Food

Pets =Food if theres nothing else to eat.

I would not eat my hedgehog mostly cause of the spins and i think that thing is smart and would attack me if it thought i was going to eat it. but if it died i would be sad, not like my mom dies sad. but sad. if some one killed my hedgehog (i some times take him out with me but other than that he stays in the house) I would be mad, but still killing pet not = to killing mom.
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